UltraLite Unload Old Database utility (ulunloadold)

Unloads UltraLite version 8.0.2 to 9.0.x databases and/or schema files (*.usm) into an XML file.

ulunloadold -c "connection-string" [ options ] xml-file
Option Description
-b max-size Set the maximum size of column data to be stored in the XML file. The default is 10 KB. To store all data in the XML file (no maximum size), use -b -1.
-c "connection-string" Required. Connect to the database as identified in the DBF or file_name parameter of your connection-string. If you do not specify both a user ID and a password, the default UID of DBA and PWD of sql are assumed.
-f directory Set the directory to store data larger than the maximum size specified by -b. The default is the same directory as the XML file.
-q Set the utility to run in quiet mode. Suppress informational banners, version numbers, and status messages. Error messages are still displayed, however.
-v Print verbose messages.
-y Overwrite xml-file without confirmation.
xml-file Set the name of the XML file that data will be unloaded into.

UltraLite version 11 cannot directly upgrade version 8.x or version 9.x databases. Use this tool to generate an XML file that can then be used by ulload to create a version 11 database. Do not unload UltraLite version 11 databases with this utility. Use the ulunload utility instead.

Unloading a database does not preserve:

  • Synchronization state, stored synchronization counts, and row deletions. Ensure you synchronize the database before unloading it.
  • UltraLite user entries.

To confirm what database options or properties have been preserved, run ulinfo after you have reloaded your database with the ulload utility.

If column data exceeds the maximum size you specified with -b, the overflow is saved to a *.bin file in either:

The file name follows this naming convention:


Any error code value other than 0 means that the operation failed.

This utility cannot be used to unload databases directly on Windows Mobile devices. You must first copy them to a desktop computer.

See also

Upgrading an UltraLite 8.0.x schema file named dbschema8.usm into an UltraLite version 11 database named db.udb requires these two commands:

ulunloadold -c SCHEMA_FILE=dbschema8.usm dbschema.xml
ulload -c DBF=db.udb dbschema.xml

Upgrading an UltraLite version 9.0.x database for Palm OS named palm9db.pdb to an UltraLite version 11 database named palm11db.pdb requires these two commands:

ulunloadold -c DBF=palm9db.pdb dbdata.xml
ulload -c DBF=palm11db.pdb -p Syb1 dbdata.xml