UltraLite Validate Database utility (ulvalid)

Performs a full ("normal") validation of an UltraLite database, including:

  • database pages - validate all database pages, using checksums when enabled (see the checksum_level database creation parameter). Note that certain critical pages always have checksums and even pages without checksums undergo a basic validity check.
  • table - validate table(s) by checking that the table row count matches the count in each index
  • index - validate indexes by checking that entries refer to valid rows. ulvalid -e performs an express check, which includes only table validation.

ulvalid -c "connection-string" [ options ] 
Option Description
-c "connection-string" Required. Connect to the database as identified in connection-string. If you do not specify both a user ID and a password, the default UID of DBA and PWD of sql are assumed.

Express validation. Only perform table validation. This option provides a faster validation than normal validation

-oa Cancel the process if it identifies that the database was created by a previous version of UltraLite (which would cause the database to be upgraded).

Open the database in read-only mode. UltraLite makes a copy of the original file, which you can then use to test your scripts without altering the database. Changes to the copied file are discarded upon completion.

If you are connecting directly from the desktop to a database already deployed to a Windows Mobile device, the parameter is not supported.

-ou Upgrade the database if it was created with an older UltraLite release.
-q Set the utility to run in quiet mode. Suppress informational banners, version numbers, and status messages. Error messages are still displayed, however.
-v Print verbose messages.

Validating a database verifies the accuracy of the table meta-data and ensures the file has not been corrupted.

See also

An example of an express validation of a database named sample.udb run in quiet mode.

ulvalid -c DBF=sample.udb -e -q