UltraLite Information utility (ulinfo)

Displays information about an UltraLite database and changes or clears the global_id or ml_remote_id database options.

ulinfo -c "connection-string" [ options ]
Option Description
-c "connection-string" Required. Connect to the database as identified in the DBF or file_name parameter of your connection-string. If you do not specify both a user ID and a password, the default UID of DBA and PWD of sql are assumed.
-g ID

Set the initial global database ID to the value you assign. This value is used by the database for all new rows that have global autoincrement columns. The database uses this base value to autoincrement IDs associated with each additional row and/or column.

When deploying an application, you must assign a different identification number to each database for synchronization with the MobiLink server.

-oa Cancel the process if it identifies that the database was created by a previous version of UltraLite (which would cause the database to be upgraded).

Open the database in read-only mode. UltraLite makes a copy of the original file, which you can then use to test your scripts without altering the database. Changes to the copied file are discarded upon completion.

If you are connecting directly from the desktop to a database already deployed to a Windows Mobile device, this option is not supported.

-ou Upgrade the database if it was created with an older UltraLite release.


Set the utility to run in quiet mode. Suppress informational banners, version numbers, and status messages. Error messages are still displayed, however.
-r ID Set the initial ml_remote_id to the value you assign. By default, new UltraLite databases set the MobiLink remote ID to NULL. You can keep this default if you choose: both UltraLite and dbmlsync automatically set the MobiLink remote ID to a unique user ID (UUID) at the start of synchronization.
-rc Set the MobiLink remote ID to NULL.
-v Print verbose messages. Display current database properties in addition to the database internals for the named database.

Warning messages generated when opening an UltraLite database are always displayed unless you use the -q option.

The ulinfo utility displays information about existing synchronization profiles and the number of pending SQL pass-through scripts unless the quiet (-q) flag is used. For example:

Sync profile cv_prosync: "TableOrder=cv_prosync;MobiLinkUid=cv_prosync;ScriptVersion=test;"
Number of available SQL pass-through scripts: 0
See also

Show basic database internals for a file named sample.udb that has already been synchronized:

ulinfo -c DBF=cv_dbattr.udb
ulinfo -c DBF=cv_dbattr.udb 
Utility Version 11.*suppressed*
Collation: 1252LATIN1
Number of Users: 1
  1. User: 'DBA'
Page size: 4096
Default index maximum hash size: 4
Checksum level: 0
MobiLink Remote ID: not set
Global database ID: 1000
Global autoincrement usage: 0%
Number of tables: 3
Number of columns: 7
Number of publications: 3
Number of tables that will always be uploaded: 0
Number of tables that are never synchronized: 0
Number of primary Keys: 3
Number of foreign Keys: 0
Number of indexes: 0
This database has not yet been synchronized.
Synchronization by publication number:
  1. Publication cv_sync
      Number of rows in next upload: 0
      Last download: 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000
  2. Publication cv_syncPub2
      Number of rows in next upload: 0
      Last download: 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000
  3. Publication cv_syncPub3
      Number of rows in next upload: 0
      Last download: 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000
Number of available SQL pass-through scripts: 0
ulsync ...
Utility Version 11.*suppressed*
Results of this synchronization:
Download timestamp: 20XX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXXXXX
	Upload OK
	No ignored rows
	No part download remaining
	Authentication value: 1000 (0x3e8)
ulinfo -c dbf=cv_dbattr.udb 
Utility Version 11.*suppressed*
Collation: 1252LATIN1
Number of Users: 1
  1. User: 'DBA'
Page size: 4096
Default index maximum hash size: 4
Checksum level: 0
Global database ID: 1000
Global autoincrement usage: 0%
Number of tables: 3
Number of columns: 7
Number of publications: 3
Number of tables that will always be uploaded: 0
Number of tables that are never synchronized: 0
Number of primary Keys: 3
Number of foreign Keys: 0
Number of indexes: 0
Last synchronization completed successfully
Download occurred: *suppressed*
Upload OK
Upload rows not ignored
No partial downloads
Actual MobiLink Authentication value: 1000
Authentication valid
Synchronization by publication number:
  1. Publication cv_sync
      Number of rows in next upload: 0
      Last download: 20XX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXXXXX
  2. Publication cv_syncPub2
      Number of rows in next upload: 0
      Last download: 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000
  3. Publication cv_syncPub3
      Number of rows in next upload: 0
      Last download: 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000
Number of available SQL pass-through scripts: 0

Show database internals for a file named CustDB.udb and display database properties by enabling verbose messaging:

ulinfo -c DBF=CustDB.udb -v
Utility Version 11.*suppressed*
Database information
Database name: custdb
Disk file 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\SQL Anywhere 11\Samples\UltraLite\CustDB\custdb.udb'
Collation: 1252LATIN1
Number of Users: 1
  1. User: 'DBA'
Page size: 4096
Default index maximum hash size: 8
Checksum level: 0
MobiLink Remote ID: not set
Global database ID: not set
Encryption: None
Character encoding set: 1252LATIN1
Case sensitive: OFF
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
Date order: YMD
Nearest century: 50
Numeric precision: 30
Numeric scale: 6
Time format: HH:NN:SS.SSS
Timestamp format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS.SSS
Timestamp increment: 1
Number of tables: 6
Number of columns: 16
Number of publications: 1
Number of tables that will always be uploaded: 0
Number of tables that are never synchronized: 1
Number of primary Keys: 6
Number of foreign Keys: 2
Number of indexes: 3
This database has not yet been synchronized.
Synchronization by publication number:
  1. Publication test
      Number of rows in next upload: 0
      Last download: 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000

Set the ml_remote_id to NULL for a file called sample.udb:

ulinfo -c DBF=sample.udb -rc