Multiple UltraLite applications with the UltraLite engine

The UltraLite engine is a data management module that manages concurrent UltraLite database connections from applications on 32-bit Windows desktops and Windows Mobile only. The engine is automatically installed to the desktop with the SQL Anywhere installer. Therefore, you only need to deploy the engine to the Windows Mobile device.

To deploy uleng to a Windows Mobile device

  1. Copy the uleng11.exe file as well as the appropriate *.dll files. The *.dll files you copy should include any database encryption, synchronization encryption, or compression *.dll files required.

    Filename Basic ECC TLS RSA TLS FIPS RSA TLS HTTPS Compression FIPS AES data encryption
    uleng11.exe X X X X X X X
    mlcecc11.dll1 X X
    mlcrsa11.dll1 X X
    mlcrsafips11.dll X X
    mlczlib11.dll X
    sbgse2.dll X X X
    ulfips11.dll X
    ulrt11.dll2 X X X X X X X

    1 File not needed if an application links directly against ulecc.lib and ulrsa.lib respectively.

    2 File only needed if an application links against ulimp.lib.

  2. Save the files to an appropriate directory. In most cases you would use one of the following destination directories:

    • The \windows directory. This location is the recommended location, as the client automatically looks for the engine in this location.
    • The directory for other UltraLite application files.
  3. If you use any location other than the \windows directory, include the START connection parameter. This parameter starts the UltraLite engine when the application connects the UltraLite database.

    For example, a connection string to the database or connection code for a Windows Mobile client application, might use this START parameter:

    "START=\Program Files\MyApp\uleng11.exe"
See also