Setting up and deploying AES_FIPS database encryption in UltraLite

If you are encrypting your database with AES FIPS encryption, you must configure and deploy your device accordingly for each platform.

To set up your application and device for an AES FIPS encrypted UltraLite database

  1. Create an UltraLite database with the property fips=1. See UltraLite fips creation parameter.

  2. Use the following connection parameter in your application's connection string: DBKEY=key. See UltraLite DBKEY connection parameter.

  3. On Palm OS, enable database encryption by calling ULEnableRsaFipsStrongEncryption. See ULEnableFIPSStrongEncryption function.

  4. On Palm OS, ensure that you link to the following files in addition to ulrt.lib:

    • ulfips.lib
    • gse1st.lib
  5. Ensure that you deploy the appropriate files to your device.

    • Windows desktop, Windows Mobile, require ulfips11.dll and sbgse2.dll. The Windows Mobile component also requires the component DLL files.
    • Palm OS requires libsbgse_4i.prc.
See also