Developing and deploying UltraLite with TLS-enabled synchronization

Separately licensed component required

ECC encryption and FIPS-certified encryption require a separate license. All strong encryption technologies are subject to export regulations.

See Separately licensed components.

Platform support

RSA, ECC, and FIPS encryption are not available on all platforms. For information about which platforms support which encryption method, see [external link] SQL Anywhere Supported Platforms and Engineering Support Status.

To set up TLS synchronization on an UltraLite client application and device

  1. Enable encrypted synchronization by calling one of the following in your application code:

  2. Set the synchronization information stream to either TLS or HTTPS.

  3. If you are enabling ECC or FIPS encryption, you also need to:

    • ECC   Set the tls_type network protocol option to ECC. See tls_type.

    • FIPS   Set the fips network protocol option to Yes. See fips.

  4. Ensure that you have linked to the appropriate libraries:

    Platform Linking RSA encryption ECC encryption FIPS encryption
    Windows desktop static1 ulrsa.lib ulecc.lib none
    Windows desktop dynamic2 none none none
    Windows Mobile static1 ulrsa.lib ulecc.lib none
    Windows Mobile dynamic 2 none none none
    Palm OS static1 ulrsa.lib ulecc.lib ulfips.lib, gse1st.lib

    1 You must also link to ulrt.lib.

    2 You must also link to ulimp.lib.

  5. Ensure that the appropriate files are copied to the device:

    Platform Linking RSA encryption ECC encryption FIPS encryption
    Windows desktop static none none



    Windows desktop dynamic1 mlcrsa11.dll mlcecc11.dll



    Windows Mobile static none none



    Windows Mobile dynamic1 mlcrsa11.dll mlcecc11.dll



    Palm OS static none none libsbgse_4i.prc
    Windows Mobile components and UltraLite engine static2 mlcrsa11.dll mlcecc11.dll



    1 You must also deploy ulrt11.dll.

    2 You must also deploy your component .dll file and/or uleng11.exe.

See also