Device deployment techniques

In the majority of cases, development occurs on a Windows desktop with the final release target for UltraLite being the mobile device. However, depending on your deployment environment, you can use various deployment mechanisms to install UltraLite.

UltraLite application projects may evolve with different iterations of the same UltraLite database: a development database, a test database, and a deployed production database. During the lifetime of a deployed database application, changes and improvements are first made in the development database, then propagated to the test database, before finally being distributed to the production database.

Initial installation

Initially installing your UltraLite solution on a device is a required step so that the device can be continuously maintained.

Ongoing maintenance

The majority of the benefits, as well as the costs, are associated with the application being deployed and used in the field. To that end, UltraLite supports includes various mechanisms to deliver applications and synchronize data, both of which are key features in any UltraLite deployment that make UltraLite so flexible.

Technique Windows Mobile Palm OS Java
File transfers yes record based and VFS
UltraLite as a MobiLink synchronization client yes record based and VFS
On device file system browsing tool or card reader VFS only (true)1
ActiveSync yes n/a
HotSync n/a record based only

1 You cannot deploy UltraLite databases with the Palm install tool, if the target is a VFS volumes. Instead, you need to copy the database directly onto the media using a card reader, or some other tool.

See also