ULEnableFIPSStrongEncryption function

Enables FIPS-based strong encryption for the database. Calling this function causes the appropriate encryption routines to be included in the application and increases the size of the application code accordingly.

void ULEnableFIPSStrongEncryption( SQLCA * sqlca );

sqlca   A pointer to the initialized SQLCA.

In the C++ API use the Sqlca.GetCA method.


You can use this function in C++ API applications as well as embedded SQL applications. You must call this function before the Synchronize function. If you attempt to synchronize without a preceding call to enable the synchronization type, the error SQLE_METHOD_CANNOT_BE_CALLED occurs.

Separately licensed component required

ECC encryption and FIPS-certified encryption require a separate license. All strong encryption technologies are subject to export regulations.

See Separately licensed components.

See also