Model mode

When you complete the Create Synchronization Model Wizard or when you open an existing model, the model appears in Model mode. You can use Model mode to further customize your model. When you are working in Model mode, you are offline and the changes you make are made to the model file. No changes are made to your consolidated or remote databases until you deploy.

Admin mode

The MobiLink plug-in for Sybase Central includes two modes, Model mode and Admin mode. There is a Mode menu in the toolbar for switching between the two modes.

You can customize your synchronization application in Admin mode. However, if you deploy a model and then make changes outside the model, you cannot reverse-engineer the changes back into the model. So if you plan to redeploy a model, do not change it in Admin mode.

For more information about Admin mode, see the relevant sections of the documentation.

Modifying MobiLink applications outside of Sybase Central

You can also modify your deployed model outside of Sybase Central.

For example, you can add or modify MobiLink scripts using system procedures. See MobiLink system procedures.

When you make changes outside of Sybase Central, the same rules apply as for Admin mode: you cannot reverse-engineer changes back into the model.

Modifying table and column mappings
Modifying the remote database that your model creates
Modifying the download type
Modifying how deletes are handled
Modifying the download subset
Modifying conflict detection and resolution
Modifying scripts in a model
Authenticating to external servers in Model mode
Setting up server-initiated synchronization in Model mode
Updating schemas in Model mode