Modifying scripts in a model

In MobiLink Model mode, open the Events tab to:

  • View and modify the scripts that were generated by the Create Synchronization Model Wizard.
  • Create new scripts.

The top of the Events tab tells you the group that the selected script belongs to. All scripts for a single table are grouped together for your convenience. The top of the Events tab also tells you the name of the selected script and whether it was generated by the Create Synchronization Model Wizard, whether it was user-defined, or whether a generated script was overridden. It also tells you whether the synchronization logic is written in SQL, .NET, or Java.

When you add or change a script, the script becomes fully under your control; it does not change automatically when you change a related setting in Model mode. For example, if you change a download_delete_cursor for a model and then clear Del in Model mode, your customized download_delete_cursor is not affected.

You can use options in the File menu to restore generated scripts you have changed or to remove new scripts you have added. Select the script(s) you want to restore or remove and choose File to see your options.

To find a script for a particular table, you can open the Mappings tab, select the row, and choose File » Go To Events. The Events tab opens at the appropriate table.