Updating schemas in Model mode

The Update Schema Wizard allows you to update the consolidated and remote database schemas in your model.

The Update Schema Wizard is most useful after you have deployed your model and:

  • You made a change to the remote database schema that needs to be included in the model.
  • You made a change to the consolidated database schema that needs to be included in the model.

    For example, you need to run Update Schema before redeploying a model that created timestamp-based download for one or more tables. The previous deployment changed the schema of the consolidated database by adding a timestamp column or shadow table, so the schema needs to be updated.

Unlike the Create New Remote Tables window, which adds remote tables to the model, the Update Schema Wizard does not map the tables. You need to create table mappings using the Mappings tab. See Modifying the remote database that your model creates.

To update the schema

  1. In Model mode, from the File menu, choose Update Schema.

    The Update Schema Wizard appears.

  2. Choose the schema that you want to update.

    The Update Schema Wizard compares schemas in the model with the schemas of the databases.

    • The Consolidated Database Schema   The consolidated schema in the model is updated. The remote schema in the model is unchanged.

    • The Remote Database Schema   The remote schema in the model is updated. The consolidated schema in the model is unchanged.

    • Both The Consolidated And Remote Database Schemas   Both the consolidated and remote schemas are updated in the model to match the schemas of the existing databases.

  3. Follow the instructions in the wizard. Each page has online help.

  4. Click Finish.

    When you click Finish, any connections to the consolidated and remote databases are closed. You are now working offline. No changes are made outside the model until you deploy the model: the consolidated database does not change and the remote database is not created or changed until that time.

  5. Map the new remote tables in the Mappings tab. See Modifying table and column mappings.