MobiLink statistical properties

Following is a list of the properties that are available in the MobiLink Monitor. These statistics can be viewed in the New Watch window, the Details Table pane, or the Synchronization Properties window. In Synchronization Properties, the property names do not contain underscores.

For more information about the New Watch window, see Customizing your statistics.

For more information about the Details Table, see Details Table pane.

For more information about the Synchronization Properties window, see Synchronization properties.

Synchronization statistics

MobiLink statistical properties return the following information for synchronizations when not using forced conflict mode.

For information about forced conflict mode, see Forced conflict statistics.

Property Description
active True if the synchronization is in progress.
apply_upload The time required for the uploaded data to be applied to the consolidated database.
authenticate_user Total time to perform user authentication, including executing the authenticate_* events.
begin_sync Total time for the begin_synchronization event.
completed True if the synchronization completed successfully.
conflicted_deletes Always zero.
conflicted_inserts Always zero.
conflicted_updates Number of update rows that caused conflict. A row is included only when a resolve conflict script was successfully called for it.
connect The time required by the database worker thread to make a database connection if a new database connection is needed. For example, after an error or if the script version has changed.
connect_for_download_ack The time required by the database worker thread to make a database connection if a new database connection is needed.
connection_retries Number of times the MobiLink server retried the connection to the consolidated database.
download_bytes Amount of memory used within the MobiLink server to store the download. This provides a good indication of the impact on server memory of a synchronization.
download_deleted_rows Number of row deletions fetched from the consolidated database by the MobiLink server (using download_delete_cursor scripts).
download_errors Number of errors that occurred during the download.
download_fetched_rows Number of rows fetched from the consolidated database by the MobiLink server (using download_cursor scripts).
download_filtered_rows Number of fetched rows that were not downloaded to the MobiLink client because they matched rows that the client uploaded.
download_warnings Number of warnings that occurred during the download.
duration Total time for the synchronization, as measured by the MobiLink server.
end_sync Total time for the end_synchronization event.
fetch_download The time required to fetch the rows to be downloaded from the consolidated database to create the download stream.
get_db_worker The time required to acquire a free database worker thread.
get_db_worker_for_download_ack The time spent waiting for a free database worker thread after the download acknowledgement has been received.
ignored_deletes Number of upload delete rows that caused errors while the upload_delete script was invoked, when the handle_error or handle_odbc_error are defined and returned 1000, or when there is no upload_delete script defined for the given table.
ignored_inserts The total number of upload insert rows that were ignored. They were ignored because 1) there is no upload_insert script in normal mode or no upload_new_row_insert script in forced conflict mode; or 2) errors occurred when the MobiLink server was invoking the corresponding script and the handle_error or handle_odbc_error event returned 1000.
ignored_updates Number of upload update rows that caused conflict but a resolve conflict script was not successfully called or no upload_update script was defined.
nonblocking_download_ack The time required for the publication_nonblocking_download_ack connection and nonblocking_download_ack connection events.
prepare_for_download Total time for the prepare_for_download event.
remote_id The remote ID that uniquely identifies the remote database.
send_download The time required to send the download stream to the remote database. The time depends on the size of the download stream and the network bandwidth for the transfer. For an upload-only synchronization, the download stream is simply an upload acknowledgement.
start_time Date-time (in ISO-8601 extended format) for the start of the synchronization.
sync A number uniquely identifying the synchronization within the Monitor session.
sync_deadlocks Number of deadlocks in the consolidated database that were detected for the synchronization.
sync_errors Total number of errors that occurred for the synchronization.
sync_request The time taken between creating the network connection between the remote database and the MobiLink server, up to receiving the first bytes of the upload stream.
sync_tables Number of client tables that were involved in the synchronization.
sync_warnings Number of warnings that occurred for the synchronization.
upload_bytes Amount of memory used within the MobiLink server to store the upload. This provides a good indication of the impact on server memory of a synchronization.
upload_deadlocks Number of deadlocks in the consolidated database that were detected during the upload.
upload_deleted_rows Number of rows that were successfully deleted from the consolidated database.
upload_errors Number of errors that occurred during the upload.
upload_inserted_rows Number of rows that were successfully inserted in the consolidated database.
upload_updated_rows Number of rows that were successfully updated in the consolidated database.
upload_warnings Number of warnings that occurred during the upload.
user MobiLink user name.
version Name of the synchronization version.
wait_for_download_ack The time spent waiting for the download to be applied to the remote database and for the remote database to send the download acknowledgement.
Forced conflict statistics

When you are in forced conflict mode, MobiLink statistical properties return the following information.

Statistical property Description
conflicted_deletes Number of upload delete rows that were successfully inserted into the consolidated database using the upload_old_row_insert script.
conflicted_inserts Number of upload insert rows that were inserted into the consolidated database using the upload_new_row_insert script.
conflicted_updates Number of upload update rows that were successfully applied using the upload_new_row_insert or upload_old_row_insert scripts.
ignored_deletes Number of upload delete rows that caused errors while the upload_old_row_insert script was invoked, when the handle_error or handle_odbc_error are defined and returned 1000, or when there is no upload_old_row_insert script defined for the given table.
ignored_inserts Number of upload insert rows that caused errors while the upload_new_row_insert script was invoked, when the handle_error or handle_odbc_error are defined and returned 1000, or when there is no upload_new_row_insert script defined for the given table.
ignored_updates Number of upload update rows that caused errors while the upload_new_row_insert or upload_old_row_insert scripts were invoked, when the handle_error or handle_odbc_error are defined and returned 1000, or when there is no upload_new_row_insert and upload_old_row_insert script defined for the given table.
upload_deleted_rows Always zero.
upload_inserted_rows Always zero.
upload_updated_rows Always zero.