Details Table pane

The Details Table provides information about the duration of each part of the synchronization. All times are measured by the MobiLink server. Some times may be non-zero even when you do not have the corresponding script defined.

You can choose the columns that appear in the Details Table pane by opening Tools » Options and then opening the Table tab. For a description of the statistics that are available, see MobiLink statistical properties.

The following columns appear by default:

  • sync   Identifies each synchronization. This ID is assigned by the MobiLink server, and not by the Monitor, so it does not necessarily start at 1 in any given Monitor session and is not received in numerical order. You can see the same IDs in the Synchronization Properties window. See Synchronization properties.

  • remote_id   The ID of the remote database.

  • user   The synchronization user.

  • version   The version of the synchronization script.

    See Script versions.

  • download_ack   The type of download ack, which can be none, blocking or non-blocking.

  • start_time   The date and time when the MobiLink server started the synchronization. (This may be later than when the synchronization was requested by the client.)

  • duration   The total duration of the synchronization, in seconds.

  • sync_request   The time in seconds for MobiLink to receive the uploaded data from the client. This is the portion of the synchronization starting at the connection from the remote and ending just before authentication.

  • receive_upload  

  • get_db_worker  

  • connect  

  • authenticate_user   The time in seconds for MobiLink to validate the synchronization request, validate the user name, and validate the password (if your synchronization setup requires authentication). This is the length of the authenticate user transaction (from the start of authentication to just before the begin_synchronization event).

  • begin_sync   The time in seconds to run your begin_synchronization script, if one was run.

  • apply_upload   The time in seconds to apply the upload to the consolidated database. This is the time between the begin_upload script and the end_upload script.

  • prepare_for_download   The time in seconds to run your prepare_for_download script, if one was run.

  • fetch_download   The time in seconds to download the data. This is the time between the begin_download script and the end_download script. If download acknowledgement is enabled, this includes the time to apply the download on the remote database and return acknowledgement.

  • end_sync   The time in seconds to run the end_synchronization script, if one was run.

To sort the table by a specific column, click the column heading. If new data is appearing in the Monitor, it gets sorted as it is added.

You can close the Details Table pane by clearing Details Table option in the View menu.