Backend server section

The backend server section defines a backend server connection. It specifies the information that is used by the RSOE when it connects to the relay server farm on behalf of a backend server. There is a backend server section for each RSOE connecting to the relay server farm. The backend server section also assigns a backend server to a backend server farm.

This section is identified by the backend_server keyword.

Backend server section properties

The following properties can be specified in a backend server section:

  • enable   Specifies whether to allow connections from this backend server. Possible values are:

    • Yes   Allows connections from this backend server.

    • No   Disallows connections from this backend server.

    The default is Yes. This property is optional.

  • id   The name assigned to the backend server connection, to a maximum of 2048 characters.

  • farm   The name of the backend server farm that this backend server belongs to. You should use 7-bit ASCII characters for the farm name.

  • mac   The MAC address of the network adapter used by the RSOE to communicate with the relay server. The address is specified using the IEEE 802 MAC-48 format. This format consists of a sequence of six pairs of hexadecimal digits separated by hyphens (-) in transmission order, for example 01-23-45-67-89-ab. The default is to not enforce mac checking. This property is optional.

  • token   A security token that is used by the relay server to authenticate the backend server connection, to a maximum of 2048 characters. This property is optional.

  • description   Enter a custom description to a maximum of 2048 characters. This property is optional.