Backend farm section

The backend farm section specifies the properties of a backend server farm. A backend server farm is a group of homogenous backend servers. A client making a request through the relay server farm must specify the backend server farm it is targeting. There is one backend farm section for each backend server farm.

This section is identified by the backend_farm keyword.

Backend farm section properties

The following properties can be specified in a backend farm section:

  • enable   Specifies whether to allow connections from this backend server farm. Possible values are:

    • Yes   Allow connections from this backend server farm.

    • No   Disallow connections from this backend server farm.

    The default is Yes. This property is optional.

  • id   The name assigned to the backend server farm, to a maximum of 2048 characters. You should use 7-bit ASCII characters for the id.

  • client_security   Specifies the level of security the backend server farm requires of its clients. The possible values are:

    • on   Indicates that clients must connect using HTTPS.

    • off   Indicates that clients must connect using HTTP.

    This property is optional. If no value is specified, clients can connect using either HTTP or HTTPS.

  • backend_security   Specifies the level of security required of an RSOE in the backend server farm to connect to the relay server farm. The possible values are:

    • on   Indicates that all connections from the backend farm must by made using HTTPS.

    • off   Indicates that all connections from the backend farm must be made using HTTP.

    This property is optional. If no value is specified, either HTTP or HTTPS can be used to connect.

  • description   Enter a custom description to a maximum of 2048 characters. This property is optional.