Options section

The options section is used to specify properties that apply to each relay server in the farm. Only one options section is allowed.

This section is identified by the options keyword.

Options section properties

The following properties can be specified in an options section:

  • start   The method used to start rshost. The possible values are:

    • auto   rshost is started automatically using rshost command line defaults.

    • no   rshost is started externally as a Windows service.

    • full path   Specify the full path to the rshost executable, optionally followed by the -o option used for naming the log file.

      Log file limitation

      If the full path is specified and the -o option is used, by default IIS 6 does not allow the creation of files under the tree of wwwroot.

    The default is auto. This property is optional.

  • shared_mem   Specifies the maximum amount of shared memory that the relay server uses for state tracking. The default is 10 megabytes. This property is optional.

  • verbosity   You can set verbosity to the following levels:

    • 0   Log errors only. Use this logging level for deployment.

    • 1   Session level logging. This is a higher level view of a synchronization session.

    • 2   Request level logging. Provides a more detailed view of HTTP requests within a synchronization session.

    • 3   Relay server packet level logging. Provides a detailed log of packet exchanges between the relay server and the RSOE process.

    • 4   Debug level logging. Provides the most detailed logging. Use for debugging. For example, in RSOE this level generates logs for session search and garbage collection task.

    • 5   Transport level logging. Provides a hex dump of HTTP request bytes (including data) into the log.

    Errors are displayed regardless of the log level specified, and warnings are displayed only if the log level is greater than 0.