Using the MobiLink Monitor

The Monitor has the following panes:

  • Details Table   Details Table is the top pane. It is a spreadsheet that shows the total time taken by each synchronization, with a breakdown showing the amount of time taken by each part of the synchronization.

    See Details Table pane.

  • Utilization Graph   Utilization Graph is the second pane. It provides a graphical representation of queue lengths for different queues on the MobiLink server. The same scale is used for the Utilization Graph pane and Chart pane. The scale at the bottom of the Chart pane represents time. You can select the data that is displayed in the utilization graph by dragging and selecting the data in the Overview pane below, or by choosing View » Go To.

    See Utilization Graph pane.

  • Chart   Chart is the third pane. It provides a graphical representation of synchronizations. The scale at the bottom of this pane represents time. You can select the data that is displayed in the chart by dragging and selecting the data in the Overview pane below, or by choosing View » Go To.

    See Chart pane.

  • Overview   Overview is the bottom pane. It shows an overview of all synchronizations in the session. This pane contains a box outline called the Marquee Tool that can select the data appearing in the Chart and Utilization Graph panes.

    See Overview pane.

In addition, there is an Options window that you can use to customize the display, and properties windows for viewing more detailed information. See:

Details Table pane
Utilization Graph pane
Chart pane
Overview pane
Options window
Session properties
Sample properties
Synchronization properties