ActiveSync provider installation utility [mlasinst]

Installs a MobiLink provider for ActiveSync (known as Windows Mobile Device Center on Windows Vista), or registers and installs UltraLite applications on Windows Mobile devices.

mlasinst [options ] [ [ src ] dst name class [ args ] ]
Options Description

Initially disable the application.

-k path

Specify the location of the desktop provider mlasdesk.dll.

By default, the file is in the bin32 folder of your SQL Anywhere installation directory.

End users (who generally do not have the full SQL Anywhere install) may need to specify -k when installing the MobiLink ActiveSync provider.

-l filename

Specify the name of the activity log file.


Register the application but do not copy it to the device.

In addition to installing the MobiLink ActiveSync provider, this option registers an application but does not copy it to the device. This is appropriate if the application includes more than one file (for example, if it is compiled to use the UltraLite runtime library DLL rather than a static library) or if you have an alternative method of copying the application to the device.

-t n

Specify how long, in seconds, the desktop provider should wait for a response from the client before timing out; the default is 30.


Uninstall the MobiLink provider for ActiveSync.

This option unregisters all applications that have been registered for use with the MobiLink ActiveSync provider and uninstalls the MobiLink ActiveSync provider. No files are deleted from the desktop machine or the device by this operation. If the device is not connected to the desktop, an error is reported.

-v path

Specify the location of the device provider mlasdev.dll. By default the file is looked for in a platform-specific directory under the CE subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere installation directory.

End users (who generally do not have the full SQL Anywhere install) may need to specify -v when installing the MobiLink ActiveSync provider.

Other parameters Description
src Specify the source file name and path for copying an application to the device. Supply this parameter only if you are registering an application and copying it to the device. Do not supply the parameter if you use the -n option.
dst Specify the destination file name and path on the device for an application.
name Specify the name by which ActiveSync refers to the application.
class Specify the registered Windows class name of the application.
args Specify command line arguments to pass to the application when ActiveSync starts the application.

This utility installs a MobiLink provider for ActiveSync. The provider includes both a component that runs on the desktop (mlasdesk.dll) and a component that is deployed to the Windows Mobile device (mlasdev.dll). The mlasinst utility makes a registry entry pointing to the current location of the desktop provider; and copies the device provider to the device.

If additional arguments are supplied, the mlasinst utility can also be used to register and install UltraLite applications onto a Windows Mobile device. Alternatively, you can register and install UltraLite applications using the ActiveSync software.

Subject to licensing requirements, you may supply this application together with the desktop and device components to end users so that they can prepare their copies of your application for use with ActiveSync.

You must be connected to a remote device to install the ActiveSync provider.

For complete instructions on using the ActiveSync provider installation utility, see:


The following command installs the MobiLink provider for ActiveSync using default arguments. It does not register an application. The device must be connected to your desktop for the installation to succeed.


The following command uninstalls the MobiLink provider for ActiveSync. The device must be connected to your desktop for the uninstall to succeed:

mlasinst -u

The following command installs the MobiLink provider for ActiveSync, if it is not already installed, and registers the application myapp.exe. It also copies the c:\My Files\myapp.exe file to \Program Files\myapp.exe on the device. The -p -x arguments are command line options for myapp.exe when started by ActiveSync. The command must be entered on a single line:

mlasinst "C:\My Files\myapp.exe" "\Program Files\myapp.exe"
   "My Application" MYAPP -p -x
See also