MobiLink file transfer utility [mlfiletransfer]

Downloads a file through MobiLink.

mlfiletransfer [ options ] file
Option Description
-ap param1, ... MobiLink authentication parameters. See Authentication parameters.
-dp path The local path where the downloaded file is to be stored. By default, the downloaded file is stored in the root directory on Windows Mobile, and in the current directory on other platforms.
-df filename The local name of the downloaded file. Use this option if you want to have a different name for the file on the client than the one used on the server. By default, the server name is used.
-f Forces a download, even the local file is up to date. Any previous partial download is discarded.
-g Shows download progress.
-p password The password for the MobiLink user name.
-q Quiet mode. Messages are not displayed.
-r Enables download resumption. When set, the utility resumes a partial previous download that was interrupted because of a communication error or because it was cancelled by the user. When the file on the server is newer than the partial file, the partial file is discarded. The -f option overrides this option.
-u username MobiLink user name. This option is required.
-v version The script version. This option is required.
-x protocol(options)

The protocol can be one of tcpip, tls, http, or https.This option is required.

The protocol-options you can use depend on the protocol. For a list of options for each protocol, see MobiLink client network protocol option summary.


The file to be transferred as named on the server. Do not include a path, as the location of the file is determined by the mlsrv11 -ftr option (which must be used when you start the MobiLink server). MobiLink looks for the file in the username subdirectory of the -ftr directory; if it doesn't find it there, it looks in the -ftr directory. If the file is not in either place, MobiLink generates an error.

See -ftr option.


This utility is useful for downloading files when you first create a remote database, when you need to upgrade software on your remote device, and so on.

To use this utility, you must start the MobiLink server with the -ftr option. The -ftr option creates a root directory for the file to be transferred, and creates a subdirectory for every registered MobiLink user.

UltraLite users can also use the MLFileTransfer method in the UltraLite runtime. See Using MobiLink file transfers.

See also

The following command connects the MobiLink server to the CustDB sample database. The -ftr %SystemRoot%\system32 option tells the MobiLink server to start monitoring the Windows\system32 directory for requested files. In this example the MobiLink server first looks for the file in the C:\Windows\system32\mobilink-username directory. If the file does not exist, it looks in the C:\Windows\system32 directory. In general you would not want to have the MobiLink server monitor your Windows\system32 folder for files. This example uses the Windows\system32 directory so that it can transfer the Notepad utility, which is located there.

mlsrv11 -c "dsn=SQL Anywhere 11 CustDB" -zu+ -ftr %SystemRoot%\system32

The following command runs the mlfiletransfer utility. It causes the MobiLink server to download notepad.exe to your local directory.

MLFileTransfer -u 1 -v "custdb 10.0" -x tcpip notepad.exe