Example of text table source code  Message variable indicators

Chapter 5: Customizing the DB2 UDB Option for CICS Messages

National languages

As shipped, the text table contains SYRTMAMT entries to supply message text in three languages: U.S. English, German, and French. Each SYRTMAMT entry contains a complete set of messages in the language specified by the LANG property located in the first line of the entry.

If the text table does not contain a LANG property to match the language identification passed to AMD2, the default is the U. S. English message set. For information about how languages are defined, see the customization options appendix in the Mainframe Connect Server Option for CICS Installation and Administration Guide and the DirectConnect documentation.

NoteA default message (“Error 33231”) returns whenever a problem with the AMD2 message table occurs. This message is always sent in U.S. English, regardless of the text coded in the text table.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Message variable indicators

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