National languages  Changing the AMD2 message table

Chapter 5: Customizing the DB2 UDB Option for CICS Messages

Message variable indicators

The message the client application receives contains the words specified in the text table and, in some cases, the contents of one or more variable indicators: %s, %d, and %S. The words and the variables are specified in the text table.

AMD2 supplies the content of the message variable indicators before a message is returned to the client. Regardless of the language of the message text, the content of the variables is always in U.S. English.

AMD2 replaces the variable indicators with the variable values shown in the following table.

Table 5-2: Message variable indicators and values

Message variable indicator

Replaced by message variable value


String message variable value indicating the DB2 function last executed, usually PREPARE.


Numeric message variable value used for any integer values, such as an error number or the position of an error.


Messages returned by DB2 routine DSNTIAR, including SQLCA message tokens and SQLCODEs.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Changing the AMD2 message table

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