Web service administration  Web service parameter management

Chapter 5: Web Console—Web Services

Web service operation management

This section includes the procedures used to manage the operations (methods) of a Web service.

Overloaded methods

If you deploy a Web service that contains overloaded methods, the Web console displays only the first method of the overloaded method. Allowing or disallowing access to the method, affects all overloaded methods.

For example, if the Web service contains an overloaded method that contains the methods echo(String, String) and echo (String), the GUI displays only echo (String, String) twice, but the allowed/disallowed operation affects both echo(String, String) and echo(String).

StepsViewing or modifying Web service operation properties

  1. Select the Web service collection and Web service you want to view or modify.

  2. Highlight the Operations folder.

  3. Select the General tab to view the Web service Operations properties. See Table 5-4 for a description of the Web service properties.

StepsAllowing an operation

  1. Select the Web service collection and Web service that contains the operation to which you want to allow client access.

  2. Highlight the Operations folder.

  3. Right-click the operation and select Allow.

StepsDisallowing an operation

  1. Select the Web service collection and Web service that contains the operation to which you want to disallow client access.

  2. Highlight the Operations folder.

  3. Right-click the operation and select Disallow.

StepsInvoking an operation

  1. Select the Web service collection and Web service that contains the operation you want to invoke.

  2. Highlight the Operations folder.

  3. Right-click the operation and select Invoke.

  4. If a role is assigned to the operation, you may need to provide a user name and password to invoke the operation:

    If a role is not assigned to a Web service operation, you do not need to provide a user name or password to invoke it. If a role is assigned to the Web service operation, you must provide a valid user name and password for a user within the assigned role.

Table 5-4 describes the Web service operation properties.

Table 5-4: Web service operation properties

Property type





The name of the operation.


A description of the Web service operation.

Binding Style

Specify the SOAP binding style:

  • Document – indicates that the SOAP body contains an XML document.

  • RPC (remote procedure call) – indicates that the SOAP body contains an XML representation of a method call.

Return Type

Specifies the return type of the method.

Is Return Value In Response Message

True or false.

SOAP Action

The URI for the SOAPAction HTTP header for the HTTP binding of SOAP. The SOAPAction HTTP request header field can be used to indicate the intent of the SOAP HTTP request. The URI identifies the intent.

Message Operation Style

Document, RPC, or wrapped.

Is Allowed

True or false. Determines whether or not the method is available to a client as a Web service endpoint.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Web service parameter management

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