Listener failover  Configuring identities

Chapter 13: Security Configuration Tasks

Configuring listener properties

This section describes how to create, modify, and delete a listener. All of the configuration tasks require you to first access the Listeners folder from EAServer Manager:

  1. Double-click the Servers folder.

  2. Double-click the server for which you want to create, modify, or delete a listener.

  3. Click the Listeners folder on the left side of the window.

StepsCreating a new listener

  1. Select File | New Listener.

  2. Enter the name of the new listener, then click Create New Listener.

  3. Complete the information in the Listener Info window. See Table 13-5.

The new listener appears on the right side of the window when you highlight the Listeners folder.

StepsModifying an existing listener

  1. Highlight the listener you want to modify.

  2. Select File | Properties.

  3. Make your modifications and click Save. Listener properties are described in Table 13-5.

StepsDeleting a listener

  1. Highlight the listener you want to delete.

  2. Select File | Delete Listener Profile.

Table 13-5: Listener profile properties





Select the protocol from the drop-down list:

  • HTTP

  • IIOP

  • TDS



HTTPS and IIOPS are secure protocols that provide all of the security features made available by SSL, including authentication and encryption.

TDS, IIOP, and HTTP do not provide encryption. TDS and IIOP provide user name and password-based authentication.


The name or IP address of the EAServer host to which the listener is being assigned.

For predefined listeners, change the initial setting from “localhost” to the actual machine name or IP address. This allows clients from other machines access to EAServer.

NoteSybase recommends that you provide the IP address of the host instead of the host name. In certain cases, a client may not be able to resolve a host name; for example, the client’s DNS server or hosts file may not have an entry for the specified host.


The port number on the host to which the listener is assigned.

Make sure that the port is not in use by any other service.

Jaguar Security Profile

Select one of the preconfigured security profiles from the drop-down list. This field is enabled for only the secure protocols (HTTPS or IIOPS).

You can create new security profiles that can be assigned to a listener. See “Configuring security profiles” for information on security profiles.

Enable Open Server Events

When selected, the TDS port accepts open server client connections, if not, only MASP requests are accepted.

You must use TDS as the protocol for Open Server events.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring identities

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