Configuring OS user and group authorization  Security characteristics

Chapter 13: Security Configuration Tasks

Configuring security profiles

Security profiles define the security characteristics of a client-EAServer session. You assign a security profile to a listener, which is a port that accepts client connection requests of various protocols. EAServer can support multiple listeners. Clients that support the same characteristics can communicate to EAServer via the port defined in the listener.

Each security profile has an associated security characteristic. A security characteristic is a name that has a set of cipher suites associated with it. A security characteristic, along with the cipher suites, defines these characteristics of a client/server connection:

For example, the cipher suite SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5 can be interpreted as:

SSL – the protocol used. All profiles use SSL.

RSA – the key exchange algorithm used.

NULL – no encryption.

MD5 – the hash method used to compute the message digest.

Table 13-1 and Table 13-2 clarify the relationship between cipher suite terminology and security characteristics.

Table 13-1: Cipher suite terms






SSL protocol uses public-key encryption to establish secure Internet communications.

RSA DH_anon

Key exchange algorithm

RSA and DH (Diffie-Hellman) are public-key cryptography systems, which define both authentication and encryption:

  • RSA provides full encryption and authentication support.

  • DH_anon provides only encryption support.


Suitable for export

Because of export regulations, some CipherSuites are not suitable for export. Only CipherSuites that contain the word EXPORT are suitable for international use.


No encryption

Data is not encrypted.

DES 3DES DES40 RC4_40 RC4_128

Encryption algorithms

System: Key length:

DES 56 3DES 168 DES40 40 RC4_40 40 RC4_128 128

The greater the key length, the greater the encryption strength.


Encryption and decryption modes

CBC and EDE are modes by which DES algorithms are encrypted and decrypted.


Hash function

SHA and MD5 are hash methods used to compute the message digest when generating a digital signature.

Note Browsers do not support anonymous cipher suites.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Security characteristics

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