Configuring the server’s log profile  Category names

Chapter 3: Creating and Configuring Servers

Configuring log profiles

You can configure log profiles in EAServer Manager or in a text editor.

StepsDefining a new log profile

The easiest way to define a new log profile is to copy one of the existing definitions to a file, edit the file, then import the definition in Jaguar Manager as follows:

  1. Copy the predefined log profile that is closest to the characteristics that you want, specifying a new file name with the .props extension.

  2. Open the file in a text editor, and change the value of the to match the base name. You can edit the remaining properties after importing the profile, using the Log Profile Configuration wizard.

  3. Import the profile to EAServer Manager as follows:

    1. Start EAServer Manager if it is not already running.

    2. Highlight the Log Profiles folder in the left pane and choose File | Import.

    3. Specify the file name you created and click OK.

    4. You should see the new profile in the Log Profiles folder.

You can also create a log profile using the New Log Profile wizard.

StepsCreating a log profile using the New Log Profile wizard

  1. In EAServer Manager, highlight the Log Profiles folder, and select File | New Log Profile Wizard.

    The wizard guides you through the process of creating a log profile.

StepsConfiguring log profiles

To configure log profiles, you can use either the Log Profile Configuration wizard or the Log Profile Properties page. The Log Profile Configuration wizard guides you through the basic steps required to configure a log profile for an EAS, Java Logging, or Log4j logging subsystem.

  1. From within EAServer Manager, display the list of log profiles by expanding the Log Profiles folder.

  2. Highlight the log profile you want to configure.

  3. Select File | Configuration Wizard or File | Properties.

    NoteTo find property descriptions for Log4j and Java Logging subsystems, see:

  4. To change the other properties, double-click the log profile name in the left pane to display the following:

StepsExporting log profiles

You can export log profile settings to a file. This is useful when you want to use the settings to control logging from Java client applications as described in “Using log profiles in Java client applications”. Export log profile settings as follows:

  1. Highlight the Log Profile and Choose File | Export.

  2. Specify the directory to export the file to, then choose Save. EAServer Manager creates profile.props in the specified directory, where profile is the name of the logging profile.

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