Category properties  Formatter properties

Chapter 3: Creating and Configuring Servers

Handler properties

Handlers specify how and where messages are logged. You can associate handlers with categories to configure the output of messages from that category. Table 3-16 describes the handler settings.

StepsConfiguring a log handler using the Log Handler Configuration wizard

The Log Handler Configuration wizard guides you through the process of configuring a log handler.

  1. From within EAServer Manager, display the list of log profiles by expanding the Log Profiles folder.

  2. Expand a log profile, then expand the Handlers folder.

  3. Highlight the log handler you want to configure.

  4. Select File | Configuration Wizard.

Table 3-16: Handler settings

Tab name / Setting name


General / Description

An optional description.

Type / Type

The output type. Choose one of the following:

  • file – outputs to a text file.

  • console – outputs to the console (standard output or standard error).

  • null – no output.

Type / File Name

When logging to a file, the pattern string to name the output file. You can use the placeholders in Table 3-17.

Type / Truncate Log File

Whether to truncate the log file when the server starts. If truncation is not enabled, log messages from the server process are appended to those from the previous process. With truncation enabled, you can keep the previous log contents by enabling archiving (recommended) or rotation.

Type / Max Size

The maximum allowed size before archiving or rotating the log file. Use one of the following values:

  • -1 – to specify no limit.

  • nm – to specify n megabytes (with n a positive integer).

  • nk – to specify n kilobytes (with n a positive integer).

Type / Max Time

The maximum amount of time before archiving or rotating the log file; enter as HH:MM.

Type / Rotate at Max

Whether to rotate log files at start-up and when the maximum size or time is reached. If you enable rotation, the log file is renamed with a sequential numeric extension when a new file is started. For example, if the file is Jaguar.log, previous versions are named Jaguar.log.1, Jaguar.log.2, and so forth.

Type / Archive Log Files

Whether to archive log files at start-up and when the maximum size is reached.

Type / Archive File Name

If archiving is enabled, the pattern string to name the archived log files. You can use the placeholders in Table 3-17.

Type / Compress Archive File

If archiving is enabled, whether to compress the archived files. If you enable compression, the resulting archive name is the specified archive file name plus the “.zip” extension.

Type / Console Type

When writing to the console, the destination device. Choose stdout for standard output, and stderr for standard error.

Type / Host Name

When writing to a socket, the host name to connect the socket to.

Type / Port

When writing to a socket, the port number to connect the socket to.

When specifying log file names and archive file names, you can use the placeholders in Table 3-17.

Table 3-17: Log file name and path placeholders




The EAServer installation directory (specified by the JAGUAR environment variable).


The location of binaries in the EAServer installation ($JAGUAR/bin on most platforms).


The server name, as displayed in EAServer Manager.


The time of day when the file was created, formatted as HHMMSS.


The date (day of month, month, and year) when the file was created, formatted as DDMMYYYY.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Formatter properties

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