These properties configure the output from a logging profile that uses the Apache Log4j logging system. All properties in the logging profile are applied to the Log4j configuration. Only those properties used in the preconfigured Log4j profiles are documented here. For information on other properties, see the Apache Log4j Documentation.
Log profile properties,
Configures the Log4j root log level and appenders.
level[, appenders]
Where level is one of the error levels listed in Table B-15, as defined in class org.apache.log4j.Level. The error level specifies which messages are logged. Only messages of the specified level or greater severity are logged. Table B-15 lists the levels in ascending order of severity.
Level |
To indicate |
All messages are logged. |
Debug messages are logged. |
Informational messages are logged, for example, a listener has been established or the name service has finished binding installed components. |
Warning messages are logged. For example, the server is in a cluster and other members are not found. |
An error has occurred that prevents completion of a requested action. For example, a component has thrown an uncaught exception and its transaction is being rolled back. |
An error has occurred that indicates the server should terminate. |
No messages are logged. |
appenders specifies an optional comma-separated list of appenders. In Log4j, an appender specifies how messages are logged, for example, to the console or to a file. Each appender must be configured by setting additional properties, prefixed with, where name is the appender name.
log4j.logger.<logger-name>, log4j.logger.<logger-name>
Configures the log output for the logger specified by <logger-name>.
Same as for log4j.rootLogger.
This property configures the log output properties for a logger name used in code. Logger names are a logical means to categorize messages, and setting this property allows you to configure the output for messages written to the specified logger. EAServer uses the logger names listed in Table B-8. The same names are used for Log4j logger names, EAS log subsystem categories, and java.util.logging logger names.
You can add additional properties to configure logger names
used in your own code. If not configured explicitly, loggers inherit
configurations from their parent in the prefix-based name
hierarchy. For example, a logger named
the settings for com.sybase
unless you explicitly configure
If there is no logger configured with a prefix name, loggers inherit
the root logger settings specified by log4j.rootLogger.
For example, this setting configures messages written to the
logger named
As a result, only messages with severity level INFO or greater are
logged, and messages to this logger go to the output configured
for the appender eas_servlet
:, eas_servlet
log4j.rootLogger, log4j.additivity.<logger-name>
Configures additivity for the logger, that is, whether messages written to the logger go only to destinations configured explicitly for this logger or also go to destinations configured for the parent in the hierarchy.
or false
If not specified, the default is true
These settings configure the output for the com.sybase
and the
to use separate destinations (specified in the configuration of
the eas
and eas_servlet
respectively). The additivity is false for the
If the property
were not set to false, the servlet log output would go to both destinations:
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, eas, eas_servlet
Specifies the class that writes messages for appender <name>, where <name> is an appender name specified in a log4j.rootLogger or log4j.logger.<logger-name> setting.
The full name of an instantiable Java class that implements the org.apache.log4j.Appender interface. Examples used in the default EAServer Log4j configuration include:
Appender class |
Description |
Logs messages to a text file |
Logs messages to the console (standard output or standard input) |
Log4j includes other appenders and you can implement your own. See the Apache Log4j Documentation for more information. If you implement your own classes, make sure they are in the CLASSPATH and BOOTCLASSPATH for the EAServer process.
log4j.appender.<appender-name>.Append, log4j.appender.<appender-name>.File, log4j.appender.<appender-name>.layout, log4j.appender.<appender-name>.layout.ConversionPattern, log4j.appender.<appender-name>.target
For appenders that use org.apache.log4j.FileAppender
specifies whether the output file is opened for appending or truncated.
or false
A value of true
specifies that
the output file must be appended to. If you specify false,
the server log files are truncated each time you restart the server.
For appenders that use org.apache.log4j.FileAppender
specifies the output file name and location.
The full path to the output file, using ‘/’ (forward slash) as the directory separator. You can use the placeholders described in Table B-16:
Placeholder |
Specifies |
The EAServer installation directory (specified by the JAGUAR environment variable) |
The location of binaries in the EAServer installation ($JAGUAR/bin on most platforms) |
The server name, as displayed in EAServer Manager |
Specifies the layout class for the appender.
The full name of an instantiable Java class that implements org.apache.log4.Layout, for example:
For appenders that use layout org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout, specifies the pattern to format the log message contents.
See the description of the pattern string in the org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout documentation.
For appenders that use org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
specifies whether to write to standard output or standard error.
One of the following values:
Value |
Specifies |
Standard output. |
Standard error. |
Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. |
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