Component properties: Java Classes  Component properties: JAXP Support

Chapter 4: Defining Components

Component properties: Additional Files

Configures the property, which specifies additional files that are included when the component is archived in Jaguar JAR format or replicated with the synchronize feature.

By default, the following files are included when you export packages or synchronize between servers:

NoteJava and C++ stubs are not included by default in the component’s file set. These can be regenerated on the target server after synchronization or installing the archive. If you do not want to regenerate, add the stub files to the list on the Additional Files tab.

Any additional files that are required to run the component must be listed on the Additional Files tab. Use the Additional Files wizard to enter a list of file names, separated by commas. Files may be specified as follows:

Configuring the Additional Files list

When you include additional files, you can either enter the file names individually, or you can use the Additional Files wizard to add multiple files, packages, classes, and directories.

StepsEntering file names individually

  1. Click Add. This opens the Add a File Name to the List dialog box.

  2. Enter the file name and click Ok.

StepsAdding multiple items

  1. Click Additional Files Wizard. This open the Additional Files dialog box. Each item that you add is appended to the list.

  2. To add Java packages or classes:

    1. Click Browse

    2. Choose a *.class file and click Select.

    The class files must be deployed under EAServer’s java/classes directory.

  3. To add files or directories:

    1. Optionally, specify a file filter, such as *.txt.

    2. Optionally, select to use the JAGUAR environment variable.

    3. Click Browse.

    4. Choose a file or directory and click Select.

  4. To add property files from other entities:

    1. Click Browse.

    2. Choose a *.props file from under the Repository directory and click Select.

  5. To add file lists from other entities:

    1. Click Browse.

    2. Choose an entity’s *.files file and click Select.

  6. Click Add Files to Additional Files List.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Component properties: JAXP Support

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