The Sybase Replication Agent 15.0 product is distributed on the Sybase Replication Agent 15.0 distribution media. See the Sybase Replication Agent release bulletin for the current distribution media catalog numbers.
Sybase Replication Agent for Oracle must be installed on a machine from
which it can directly access the Oracle redo logs.
These sections describe how to install the Sybase Replication Agent 15.0 software on a Linux, Microsoft Windows, or UNIX platform:
All procedures give you these installation options:
Typical – The Sybase Replication Agent software product will be installed with the recommended products and features.
Full – All software products and features on the CD will be installed.
Custom – From a list of all products and features on the CD, you can select the specific products and features that you want to install.
These products and features are included on the Sybase Replication Agent 15.0 distribution media:
Sybase Replication Agent 15.0
SySAM (the Sybase Software Asset Management license manager)
If you encounter problems during the installation, see “Installation troubleshooting”.
For information about installing the Replication Server 15.0 software,
which is included on separate distribution media in the Sybase Replication Agent 15.0
solution package for each platform, see the Replication Server 15.0
installation and configuration guides for your platform.