Installing in console mode

You can install the Sybase Replication Agent software in an interactive text (or console) mode, using the same steps as those described in “Installing with the GUI wizard”, except:

This installation procedure uses the InstallShield wizard in console mode, which requires either:

NoteThis installation procedure does not require a pointing device or a GUI environment to install the Sybase Replication Agent software.

See “Installing with the GUI wizard” for information about installing the Sybase Replication Agent software in a GUI environment.

StepsTo install the Sybase Replication Agent in console mode

  1. Log in to the Sybase Replication Agent host machine using an operating system user account with authority to start, stop, and administer the Sybase Replication Agent instance (for example, the “sybase” user).

  2. Close all non-essential applications, and minimize any open windows.

  3. Insert the Sybase Replication Agent 15.0 distribution CD in the CD-ROM drive.

    NoteIf the InstallShield GUI wizard starts automatically on a Microsoft Windows platform, click Cancel to exit the GUI wizard.

  4. Open an operating system command window, and set the CD-ROM drive as the current drive.

  5. Start the InstallShield wizard in console mode:

    The InstallShield wizard starts and displays the Welcome message.

  6. Follow the remaining wizard prompts to install the Sybase Replication Agent 15.0 software.

    See “Installing with the GUI wizard” for a description of all of the wizard prompts.

    InstallShield installs the components in the installation directory you specified, and displays an installation progress indicator.

If errors occur during the installation, InstallShield displays error messages. In the event of an installation error, exit the InstallShield wizard to correct the cause of the error, and then restart InstallShield. For more information, see “Installation troubleshooting”.

If the software is installed successfully, InstallShield displays a message confirming the successful installation.

To verify that the software components were installed correctly, see “Verifying the installation”.

Post-installation tasks

After you complete the Sybase Replication Agent software installation, set up the SYBASE environment on the Sybase Replication Agent host machine. For more informatin, see “Setting up the SYBASE environment”.