

Assigns permissions to users or to user-defined roles. Assigns roles to users or system or user-defined roles.


To grant permission to access database objects:

grant {all [privileges]| permission_list} 
	on { table_name [(column_list)]
		| view_name[(column_list)] 
		| stored_procedure_name}
	to {public | name_list | role_name}
	[with grant option]

To grant permission to select built-in functions:

grant select 
	on [builtin] built-in 
	to { name_list | role_name }

To grant permission to execute certain commands:

grant {all [privileges] | command_list} 
	to {public | name_list | role_name}

To grant a role to a user or a role:

grant {role role_granted [, role_granted ...]}
	to grantee [, grantee...]

To grant and revoke access on certain dbcc commands:

grant dbcc {dbcc_command [on {all | database }]
		[, dbcc_command [on {all | database }], ...]} 
	to { user_list | role_list }



when used to assign permission to access database objects (the first syntax format), all specifies that all permissions applicable to the specified object are granted. All object owners can use grant all with an object name to grant permissions on their own objects.

Only a System Administrator or the Database Owner can assign permission to create database objects (the second syntax format). When used by a System Administrator, grant all assigns all create permissions (create database, create default, create procedure, create rule, create table, and create view). When the Database Owner uses grant all, Adaptive Server grants all create permissions except create database, and prints an informational message.

Specifying all does not include permission to execute set proxy or set session authorization.


is a list of object access permissions granted. If more than one permission is listed, separate them with commas. The following table illustrates the access permissions that can be granted on each type of object:


permission_list can include


select, insert, delete, update, references


select, insert, delete, update


select, update, references

Column names can be specified in either permission_list or column_list (see Example 2).

Stored procedure



is a built-in function. Specifying built-in functions allows you to differentiate between a table and a grantable built-in function with the same name. The functions are set_appcontext, get_appcontext, list_appcontext, and rm_appcontext.


is a list of commands that the user can execute. If more than one command is listed, separate them with commas. The command list can include create database, create default, create procedure, create rule, create table, create view, set proxy, and set session authorization.

create database permission can be granted only by a System Administrator, and only from within the master database.

Only a System Security Officer can grant users permission to execute set proxy or set session authorization. Granting permission to execute set proxy or set session authorization allows the grantee to impersonate another login in the server. set proxy and set session authorization are identical, except that set session authorization follows the ANSI92 standard, and set proxy is a Transact-SQL extension.


is the name of the table on which you are granting permissions. The table must be in your current database. Only one object can be listed for each grant statement.


is a list of columns, separated by commas, to which the permissions apply. If columns are specified, only select, references, and update permissions can be granted.


is the name of the view on which you are granting permissions. The view must be in your current database. Only one object can be listed for each grant statement.


is the name of the stored procedure on which you are granting permissions. The stored procedure must be in your current database. Only one object can be listed for each grant statement.


is all users. For object access permissions, public excludes the object owner. For object creation permissions or set proxy authorizations, public excludes the Database Owner. You cannot grant permissions with grant option to “public” or to other groups or roles.


is a list of users’ database names and/or group names, separated by commas.

with grant option

allows the users specified in name_list to grant object access permissions to other users. You can grant permissions with grant option only to individual users, not to “public” or to a group or role.


grants a role to a user or to a system or user-defined role.


is the name of a system or user-defined role that the System Security Officer is granting to a user or a role.


is the name of a system role, user-defined role, or a user, to whom you are granting a role.


is the name of a system or user-defined role to which you are granting the permission.


is the name of the dbcc command you are granting. It cannot be a variable. Table 1-27 lists the valid grant dbcc commands.


is the name of the database on which you are granting permissions. It is used with database-specific dbcc commands to grant permission only on the target database. The grantee must be a valid user in the target database. database conforms to the rules for identifiers and cannot be a variable.

If there are multiple granted actions in the same command, database must be unique.

See “on all | database parameter and server-level commands” for more information.


is a list of users to whom you are granting the permission, and cannot be a variable.


is a list of the name of system or user-defined roles to whom you are granting the permission, and cannot be a variable.

NoteYou cannot grant or revoke dbcc commands to public or groups.


Example 1

Grants Mary and the “sales” group permission to use the insert and delete commands on the titles table:

grant insert, delete
on titles
to mary, sales

Example 2

Grants select permission on the get_appcontext function to “public” (which includes all users):

grant select on builtin get_appcontext to public 

Compare this to the following, which grants select permission on a table called get_appcontext, if a table with that name exists:

grant select on get_appcontext to public

Example 3

Two ways to grant update permission on the price and advance columns of the titles table to “public” (which includes all users):

grant update
on titles (price, advance)
to public


grant update (price, advance)
on titles 
to public

Example 4

Grants Harry and Billy permission to execute either set proxy or set session authorization to impersonate another user in the server:

grant set proxy to harry, billy

Example 5

Grants users with sso_role permission to execute either set proxy or set session authorization to impersonate another user in the server:

grant set session authorization to sso_role

Example 6

Grants users with vip_role the ability to impersonate another user in the server. vip_role must be a role defined by a System Security Officer with the create role command:

grant set proxy to vip_role

Example 7

Grants Mary and John permission to use the create database and create table commands. Because create database permission is being granted, this command can be executed only by a System Administrator within the master database. Mary and John’s create table permission applies only to the master database:

grant create database, create table
to mary, john

Example 8

Grants complete access permissions on the titles table to all users:

grant all on titles 
to public

Example 9

Grants all object creation permissions in the current database to all users. If this command is executed by a System Administrator from the master database, it includes create database permission:

grant all
to public

Example 10

Gives Mary permission to use the update command on the authors table and to grant that permission to others:

grant update on authors
to mary
with grant option

Example 11

Gives Bob permission to use the select and update commands on the price column of the titles table and to grant that permission to others:

grant select, update on titles(price)
to bob
with grant option

Example 12

Grants permission to execute the new_sproc stored procedure to all System Security Officers:

grant execute on new_sproc
to sso_role

Example 13

Grants James permission to create a referential integrity constraint on another table that refers to the price column of the titles table:

grant references on titles(price)
to james

Example 14

Grants the role “specialist”, with all its permissions and privileges, to the role “doctor”:

grant role specialist_role to doctor_role

Example 15

Grants the role “doctor” to Mary:

grant role doctor_role to mary

Example 16

On a user database called pubs2 owned by Jane, only Jane or the System Administrator can execute the dbcc checkdb command. Others encounter the following error:

1> dbcc checkdb(pubs2)
2> go
Msg 10302, Level 14, State 1:
Line 1:
Only the DBO of database 'test' or a user with System Administrator (SA) role can run this command. DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.

If Walter needs to be a maintenance user for pubs2 but the System Administrator does not want to grant him administrator-level privileges elsewhere, the System Administrator executes the following:

1> use pubs2 
2> go 
1> grant dbcc checkdb on pubs2 to walter
2> go

NoteThe System Administrator must be in the target database—in this case pubs2—and Walter must be a valid user in this target database.

Walter can now execute the dbcc checkdb command on the customers database without encountering an error:

%isql -Uwalter -Pwalterpassword -SSERVER
1> use pubs2
2> go
1> dbcc checkdb(pubs2)
2> go
Checking sysobjects: Logical pagesize is 2048 bytes
The total number of data pages in this table is 2.
Table has 27 data rows.
Table has 1 data rows.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.

Example 17

Grants the use of dbcc to a role instead of a user. This lets System Administrators assign the ability to execute dbcc to individual users based on their role:

1> use master
2> go
1> create role checkdb_role
2> go
1> use pubs2
2> go
1> grant dbcc checkdb on pubs2 to checkdb_role
2> go

Next, the System Administrator grants the role to Joe:

1> sp_addlogin joe, joepassword
2> go
Password correctly set.
Account unlocked.
New login created.
(return status = 0)
1> use pubs2
2> sp_adduser joe
3> go
1> grant role checkdb_role to joe
2> go

Joe can now execute the dbcc checkdb command on the pubs2 database when activating checkdb_role. Joe must be a valid user in pubs2:

% isql -Ujoe -Pjoepassword -SSERVER
1> use pubs2
2> go
1> dbcc checkdb(pubs2)
2> go
Msg 10302, Level 14, State 1:
Line 1:
Only the DBO of database 'pubs2' or a user with System Administrator (SA) role can run this command. DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.
1> set role checkdb_role on
2> go
1> dbcc checkdb(pubs2)
2> go
Checking sysobjects: Logical pagesize is 2048 bytes
The total number of data pages in this table is 2.
The total number of data pages in this table is 1.
Table has 1 data rows. DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.

Example 18

Through the use of a role, the System Administrator allows Carlos to run dbcc checkalloc on any database where he is a valid user, or where a database allows a “guest” user.

NoteYou do not need to add Carlos as an actual user in the master database if the user “guest” already exists in master.

1> use master
2> go
1> create role checkalloc_role
2> go
1> grant dbcc checkalloc on all to checkalloc_role
2> go
1> sp_addlogin carlos, carlospassword
2> go
1> grant role checkalloc_role to carlos
2> go

Example 19

Gives Frank, a valid user in the master database, the ability to execute dbcc for all databases in the server:

1> use master
2> go
1> sp_addlogin frank, frankpassword
2> go
Password correctly set.
Account unlocked.
New login created.
(return status = 0)
1> sp_adduser frank
2> go
New user added.
(return status = 0)
1> grant dbcc checkdb on all to frank
2> go

Now Frank can execute the dbcc checkdb command on each database in the server where he is a valid user:

% isql -Ufrank -Pfrankpassword -SSERVER
1> dbcc checkdb(tempdb)
2> go
Checking tempdb: Logical pagesize is 2048 bytes
Checking sysobjects: Logical pagesize is 2048 bytes
The total number of data pages in this table is 1. DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.

NoteYou cannot grant or revoke dbcc commands to public or groups.

Example 20

Grants Alex permission to use the dbcc tune command on pubs2. This example returns an error because server-level dbcc commands cannot be granted at the database level:

grant dbcc tune on pubs2 to alex
Msg 4626, Level 16, State 1:
Line 1:
DBCC command 'tune' cannot be assigned at database-level.

Example 21

Grants dbcc tune on the master database to Alex. This returns an error because even if the current database is master, a server-level command cannot be granted at the database level. The on database parameter shows the intention to restrict the access to the current database scope, and this is not possible for server-level commands:

grant dbcc tune on master to alex
Msg 4626, Level 16, State 1:
Line 1:
DBCC command 'tune' cannot be assigned at the database-level.

Example 22

Grants dbcc tune to Alex. This returns an error because server-level commands require that master be the current database:

grant dbcc tune to alex
Msg 4627, Level 16, State 1:
Line 1:
The user must be in the master database to GRANT/REVOKE this command.

Example 23

Grants dbcc checkalloc on the pubs2 database to “nonuser.” This returns an error because a user must be a valid user in the database to be granted database-level access:

grant dbcc checkalloc on pubs2 to nonuser
Msg 11105, Level 11, State 1:
Line 1:
No such user/role 'nonuser' exists.

Example 24

Grants dbcc tune on all to Alex. The on all parameter is ignored because any access granted in the master database is granted for any database by default. The command however, does not display any error:

grant dbcc tune on all to alex

Example 25

Grants dbcc checkalloc on all and dbcc checkdb on pubs2 to Alex. Although several commands can be granted under the same statement, they must all affect the same database, so you must be in master if one of them is on all:

grant dbcc checkalloc on all,
dbcc checkdb on pubs2 to alex
Msg 4627, Level 16, State 1:
Line 1:
The user must be in the master database in order to grant/revoke server-wide DBCC access.

Example 26

You cannot apply grant and revoke to groups or public:

1> grant dbcc tablealloc on pubs2 to public
Msg 4629, Level 16, State 1:
Line 1:
GRANT/REVOKE DBCC does not apply to groups or PUBLIC.
1> sp_addgroup gr
New group added.
(return status = 0)
1> grant dbcc tablealloc on pubs2 to gr
Msg 4629, Level 16, State 1:
Line 1:
GRANT/REVOKE DBCC does not apply to groups or PUBLIC.

Example 27

You cannot grant a database-level command at the database level if a server-wide permission exists.

1> grant dbcc checkalloc on all to alex
1> use pubs2
1> grant dbcc checkalloc on pubs2, dbcc tablealloc on pubs2 to alex
1> exec sp_helprotect
grantor   grantee   type   action   object    column            grantable
-------   -------   ----   ------   -------   -------           ---------
dbo       alex     Grant   DBCC    DBCC      dbcc tablealloc   FALSE
(return status = 0)

Example 28

Only the System Administrator can grant the privilege:

set role sa_role off
grant dbcc tablealloc on all to alex
Msg 10353, Level 14, State 1:
Line 1:
You must have the following role(s) to execute this command/procedure: 'sa_role'. Please contact a user with the appropriate role for help.

Example 29

Granting a dbcc traceon results in an error message because dbcc traceon is not a grantable command:

grant dbcc traceon to joe
Msg 4607, Level 16, State 2:
Line 12:
Privilege DBCC traceon may not be GRANTed or REVOKEd.

See Table 1-27 for a list of commands you can grant.

Example 30

The col_name function displays only the dbcc commands that can be granted, and returns the string dbcc internal for all the dbcc commands that cannot be granted.

1> declare @a int
2> select @a=1
3> while (@a<200)
4> begin
5> insert #t values(@a, col_name(-317, @a))
6> select @a=@a+1
7> end
8> select dbcc_id=a, dbcc_command=b from #t where b!="dbcc internal"
 dbcc_id  dbcc_command
-------- ------------------------------ 

        1 dbcc catalogcheck 
        2 dbcc checktable
        3 dbcc checkalloc
        4 dbcc checkdb
        6 dbcc reindex
        9 dbcc fix_text
       11 dbcc tablealloc
       12 dbcc indexalloc
       13 dbcc textalloc
       18 dbcc tune
       37 dbcc checkstorage
       40 dbcc checkverify

Example 31

You cannot use the grant dbcc command using the grant option:

grant dbcc tune to alex with grant option
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1:
Line 1:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'.


grant all object creation permissions

grant with grant option rules

Granting proxies and session authorizations

Granting permission to roles

Users and user groups

grant dbcc command options

Table 1-27 lists the valid grant dbcc commands.

Table 1-27: dbcc command options

Command name



Checks the specified database to make sure all of its pages are correctly allocated, and that there are no unused allocated pages.


Checks for consistency in and between system tables.


Runs the same checks as checktable, but on each table in the specified database, including syslogs.


Checks the specified database for:

  • Allocation

  • OAM page entries

  • Page consistency

  • Text-valued columns

  • Allocation of text-valued columns

  • Text-column chains


Checks the specified table to make sure that:

  • Index and data pages are correctly linked.

  • Indexes are correctly sorted.

  • All pointers are consistent.

  • Data information on each page is reasonable.

  • Page offsets are reasonable.


Verifies the results of the most recent run of dbcc checkstorage for the specified database.


Upgrades text values after any Adaptive Server character set is converted to a new multibyte character set.


Checks the specified index to make sure all pages are correctly allocated, and that there are no unused allocated pages.


Checks the integrity of indexes on user tables by running a fast version of dbcc checktable.


Checks the specified table to make sure that all pages are correctly allocated, and that there are no unused allocated pages.


Checks for a violation of the format of the root page of a text or image index.


Enables or disables tuning flags for special performance situations.

All of the options in Table 1-27 are database-level commands except for tune, which is a server-level command.

See Chapter 25, “Checking Database Consistency” in the System Administration Guide for more information on these dbcc commands.

on all | database parameter and server-level commands

The on database parameter specifies the database on which to invoke the database-level grant dbcc command. Because on master grants the ability to use dbcc commands on all databases, on master is the same as on all. You must be in the master database to use either the on all and on master parameters.

Neither the on database nor on all parameters work when invoking a server-level grant dbcc command such as dbcc tune, because by doing so, you are forcing a server-level command to restrict itself to individual databases. For this reason, using the server-level grant dbcc tune on master command raises an error.

on all and guest

Before you grant dbcc permission for a database to a user, that user must first be a valid user in the database, and cannot be a “guest” user. However, if you grant dbcc through roles, the users can then execute that dbcc command in any database twhere they are a valid user, including the user “guest.”


ANSI SQL – Compliance level: Entry-level compliant.

Granting permissions to groups and granting set proxy are Transact-SQL extensions. Granting set session authorization (identical in function to set proxy) follows the ANSI standard.


Database object access grant permission for database objects defaults to object owners. An object owner can grant permission to other users on his or her own database objects.

Command execution Only a System Administrator can grant create database permission, and only from the master database. Only a System Security Officer can grant create trigger permission.

Proxy and session authorization Only a System Security Officer can grant set proxy or set session authorization, and only from the master database.

Roles You can grant roles only from the master database. Only a System Security Officer can grant sso_role, oper_role or a user-defined role to a user or a role. Only System Administrators can grant sa_role to a user or a role. Only a user who has both sa_role and sso_role can grant a role which includes sa_role.

Database consistency checking Only System Administrators can run grant dbcc commands. Database Owners cannot run grant dbcc.

See also

Catalog stored procedures sp_column_privileges

Commands revoke, setuser, set

Functions proc_role

System procedures sp_addgroup, sp_adduser, sp_changedbowner, sp_changegroup, sp_dropgroup, sp_dropuser, sp_helpgroup, sp_helprotect, sp_helpuser, sp_role