Creates a new proxy table representing an existing object in a remote server.
create existing table [database.[owner].]table_name (column_name datatype [default {constant_expression | user | null}] {[{identity | null | not null}] | [[constraint constraint_name] {{unique | primary key} [clustered | nonclustered] [with {fillfactor |max_rows_per_page}= x] [on segment_name] | references [[database.]owner.]ref_table [(ref_column)] | check (search_condition)}]}... | [constraint constraint_name] {{unique | primary key} [clustered | nonclustered] (column_name [{, column_name}...]) [with {fillfactor |max_rows_per_page}= x] [on segment_name] | foreign key (column_name [{, column_name}...]) references [[database.]owner.]ref_table [(ref_column [{, ref_column}...])] | check (search_condition)} [{, {next_column | next_constraint}}...]) [with max_rows_per_page = x] [on segment_name] [external {table | procedure}] [at “pathname”]
Adaptive Server processes create existing table as if the table being created is a new local table.
After creating the local table, Adaptive Server passes create existing table to Component Integration Services, with the external location for the existing remote object.
Component Integration Services verifies that the table exists by issuing the sp_tables RPC to the remote server that owns the existing object.
Component Integration Services verifies the column list by sending the sp_columns RPC to the remote server. Column names, datatypes, lengths, identity property, and null properties are checked for the following:
Datatypes in create existing table must match or be convertible to the datatypes of the column on the remote location. For example, a local column datatype might be defined as money, while the remote column datatype might be numeric. This is a legal conversion, therefore, no errors are reported.
Each column’s null property is checked. If the local column’s null property is not identical to the remote column’s null property, a warning message is issued, but the command is not aborted.
Each column’s length is checked. If the length of char, varchar, binary, varbinary, decimal, and numeric columns do not match, a warning message is issued, but the command is not aborted.
The column names used in the syntax must match those at the remote location.
The proxy table need not contain the exact number of columns found in the remote table. However, all columns referenced by the proxy table must exist in the remote table. If the count of columns in the proxy table is less than the actual number of columns in the remote server, a warning is issued, but the command is not aborted.
The remote column name is stored in syscolumns.remote_name and is used during query processing when a statement is forwarded to the remote server. This name is not affected by sp_rename, so after the proxy table is created, if any column name is changed, it does not affect processing of subsequent SQL commands.
Column datatypes do not need to be identical, but they must be convertible in both directions, or a column datatype mismatch error is raised and the command is aborted.
The column length defined for columns of type char, varchar, binary, and varbinary must match the length of the corresponding columns in the remote table.
Scale and precision of columns of type numeric or decimal must match the scale and precision of the corresponding columns in the remote table.
If the null property is not identical to the remote column’s null property, a warning message is issued, but the command is not aborted.
Table 3-12 describes the allowable datatypes that can be used when mapping remote Adaptive Server columns to local proxy table columns:
Remote Adaptive Server datatype |
Allowable Adaptive Server datatypes |
binary(n) |
image, binary(n), and varbinary(n); if not image, the length must match |
bit |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
char(n) |
text, nchar( n), nvarchar( n), char( n), varchar(n), unichar, univarchar; if not text, the length must match |
datetime |
datetime and smalldatetime |
decimal(p, s) |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
float |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
image |
image |
int |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
money |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
nchar(n) |
text, nchar( n), nvarchar( n), char( n), varchar( n); if not text, the length must match |
numeric(p, s) |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
nvarchar(n) |
text, nchar( n), nvarchar( n), char( n), varchar(n), unichar, univarchar; if not text, the length must match |
real |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
smalldatetime |
datetime and smalldatetime |
smallint |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
smallmoney |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
text |
text |
timestamp |
timestamp |
tinyint |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
unichar |
char, varchar, unichar, univarchar, text, datetime, and smalldatetime |
univarchar |
char, varchar, unichar, univarchar, text, datetime, and smalldatetime |
varbinary(n) |
image, binary(n), and varbinary(n); if not image, the length must match |
varchar(n) |
text, nchar( n), nvarchar( n), char( n), varchar(n) unichar, univarchar; if not text, the length must match |
Table 3-13 describes the allowable datatypes that can be used when mapping remote Adaptive Server columns to local proxy table columns:
Remote Adaptive Server datatype |
Allowable Adaptive Server datatypes |
binary(n) |
image, binary(n), and varbinary( n); if not image, the length must match |
bit |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
char(n) |
text, nchar(n), nvarchar(n), char(n), varchar(n), unichar, univarchar; if not text, the length must match |
datetime |
datetime and smalldatetime |
decimal(p, s) |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
float |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
image |
image |
int |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
money |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
nchar(n) |
text, nchar(n), nvarchar(n), char(n), varchar(n), unichar, univarchar; if not text, the length must match |
numeric(p, s) |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
nvarchar(n) |
text, nchar(n), nvarchar(n), char(n), varchar(n), unichar, univarchar; if not text, the length must match |
real |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
smalldatetime |
datetime and smalldatetime |
smallint |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
smallmoney |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
text |
text |
timestamp |
timestamp |
tinyint |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
varbinary(n) |
image, binary(n), and varbinary(n), unichar, univarchar; if not image, the length must match |
varchar(n) |
text, nchar(n), nvarchar(n), char(n), varchar(n), unichar, univarchar; if not text, the length must match |
text and image datatypes are not supported by ASIQ.
Other than text and image datatypes, behavior is the same as for server class ASAnywhere.
The RPC sp_columns queries the datatypes of the columns in the existing table.
Local column datatypes do not need to be identical to remote column datatypes, but they must be convertible as shown in Table 3-14. If not, a column type error is raised and the command is aborted.
DirectConnect datatype |
Allowable Adaptive Server datatypes |
binary(n) |
image, binary(n), varbinary(n); if the length does not match, the command is aborted |
binary(16) |
timestamp |
bit |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
char(n) |
text, nchar(n), nvarchar(n), char(n) and varchar(n), unichar, univarchar; if the length does not match, the command is aborted |
datetime |
datetime, smalldatetime |
decimal(p, s) |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
float |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
image |
image |
int |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
money |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
nchar(n) |
text, nchar(n), nvarchar(n), char(n) and varchar(n), unichar, univarchar; if the length does not match, the command is aborted |
numeric(p, s) |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
nvarchar(n) |
text, nchar(n), nvarchar(n), char(n) and varchar(n), unichar, univarchar; if the length does not match, the command is aborted |
real |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
smalldatetime |
datetime, smalldatetime |
smallint |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
smallmoney |
bit, decimal, float, int, money, numeric, real, smallint, smallmoney, and tinyint |
text |
text |
timestamp |
timestamp, binary(8), varbinary(8) |
unichar |
text, nchar(n), nvarchar(n), char(n), varchar(n), unichar, univarchar; if not text, the length must match |
univarchar |
text, nchar(n), nvarchar(n), char(n), varchar(n), unichar, univarchar; if not text, the length must match |
Datatype information is passed in the CS_DATAFMT structure associated with the parameter. The following fields of the structure contain datatype information:
datatype – the CS_Library datatype representing the Adaptive Server datatype. For example, CS_INT_TYPE.
usertype – the native DBMS datatype. sp_columns passes this datatype back to Component Integration Services during a create existing table command as part of its result set (see sp_columns in the Reference Manual). Adaptive Server returns this datatype in the usertype field of parameters to assist the DirectConnect in datatype conversions.
Column names are checked in a case-insensitive manner. If there is no match, a column name error is raised and the command is aborted.
The Adaptive Server table can contain fewer columns
than the remote table, but each column in the Adaptive Server table
must have a matching column in the remote table.
text and image datatypes are not supported by server class db2.
When a create existing table command is processed, the datatype for each column specifies the type of conversion to perform between the DB2 and Adaptive Server datatypes during query processing. Table 3-15 describes the allowable Adaptive Server datatypes that can be used for existing DB2 datatypes:
DB2 datatype |
Allowable Adaptive Server datatypes |
int |
int |
smallint |
int, smallint, and tinyint; if length does not match, a warning message is issued |
tinyint |
int, smallint, and tinyint; if length does not match, a warning message is issued |
float |
real, float, and money |
double precision |
real, float, and money |
real |
real, float, and money |
decimal(scale > 0) |
float, money, decimal, and numeric; for decimal and numeric, scale and precision must match |
decimal (scale = 0) |
float, money, decimal, and numeric; for decimal and numeric, scale and precision must match |
numeric (scale > 0) |
float, money, decimal, and numeric; for decimal and numeric, scale and precision must match |
numeric (scale = 0) |
float, money, decimal, and numeric; for decimal and numeric, scale and precision must match |
char |
char, varchar, bit, binary, varbinary, text and image, unichar, univarchar; if not text or image, length must match |
char(n) for bit data |
binary(n), varbinary(n), unichar, univarchar, and image; if not image, length must match |
varchar |
char, varchar, bit, binary, varbinary,unichar, univarchar, text and image; if not text or image, length must match |
varchar(n) for bit data |
binary(n), varbinary(n),unichar, univarchar, and image; if not image, length must match |
long varchar (length of maximum column size depends on the logical page size of the Adaptive Server) |
char, varchar, bit, binary, varbinary, unichar, univarchar, text and image; if not text or image, length must match |
date |
char(10), varchar(10), and datetime (time set to 12:00 a.m.) |
time |
char(8), varchar(8), and datetime (date set to 1/1/1900) |
timestamp |
char(26), varchar(26), datetime, and smalldatetime |
graphic |
Not supported |
vargraphic |
Not supported |
long vargraphic |
Not supported |
If the data contained in a long varchar column exceeds the length allowed by the logical page size of the Adapted Server, it is truncated, or, if the gateway is so configured, an error is returned.
DB2 table names are limited to 18 characters.
DB2 authorization IDs (owner names) are limited to 8 characters.
The maximum string length for columns returned by DB2 is 254 characters for char and varchar datatypes. For long varchar, the length is 32,704 bytes.
DB2 can return date values that are not within the range of the Adaptive Server datetime datatype. DB2s range is 0001-01-01 to 9999-12-31. The Adaptive Server’s range is 1753-01-01 to 9999-12-31. When a date earlier than 1753-01-01 is retrieved from DB2, it is converted to 1753-01-01.
Check DB2 documentation for the maximum number of columns per DB2 table. This varies with the DB2 version.
create existing table in the Reference Manual