create index


Creates an index on one or more columns in a table.


create [unique] [clustered | nonclustered]
     index index_name 
 on [[database.]owner.]table_name (column_name
    [, column_name]...) 
 [with {{fillfactor | max_rows_per_page} = x,
     ignore_dup_key, sorted_data,
     [ignore_dup_row | allow_dup_row]}] 
 [on segment_name]


Server class ASEnterprise

Component Integration Services forwards everything except the on segment_name clause to the remote server.

Server class ASAnywhere

Component Integration Services forwards everything except the on segment_name clause to the remote server.

Server class ASIQ

Component Integration Services forwards everything except the on segment_name clause to the remote server.

Server class direct_connect

Server class db2

See also

create index in the Reference Manual