Table 11-5 lists the RCL commands for working with publication subscriptions. All of these commands, except check subscription, require primary subscribe or create object permission at the source Replication Server and create object permission at the destination Replication Server. Anyone can execute check subscription.
See Table 9-3 for a list of RCL commands for working with publications.
Command |
Task |
create subscription sub_name for publication pub_name |
Creates a subscription for a publication and a subscription for each article in the publication. With create subscription, you can:
define subscription sub_name for publication pub_name |
Defines a subscription for a publication and a subscription for each article in the publication. Use with activate subscription and validate subscription. With define subscription, you can subscribe to articles with table replication definitions or function replication definitions using the bulk materialization method. See “Creating publication subscriptions with bulk materialization”. |
activate subscription sub_name for publication pub_name |
Activates a subscription for a publication and a subscription for each article in the publication. Use with define subscription and validate subscription for bulk materialization. See “Creating publication subscriptions with bulk materialization”. |
validate subscription sub_name for publication pub_name |
Validates a subscription for a publication and a subscription for each article in the publication. Use with define subscription and activate subscription for bulk materialization. See “Creating publication subscriptions with bulk materialization”. |
check subscription sub_name for publication pub_name |
Displays the status of the publication subscription and all of its article subscriptions. See “Display status information”. |
check subscription sub_name for article article_name in pub_name |
Displays the materialization status of an article subscription. See “Display status information”. |
rs_helppubsub |
Displays information about publication subscriptions. |
drop subscription sub_name for publication pub_name |
Removes the publication subscription and all of its article subscription from the rs_subscriptions system table at the primary and replicate sites. See “Dropping subscriptions for publications and articles”. |
drop subscription sub_name for article article_name in pub_name |
Removes the article subscription from the publication subscription and from the rs_subscriptions system table at the primary and replicate sites. See “Dropping subscriptions for publications and articles”. |