Use check subscription at the primary Replication Server or the replicate Replication Server to check the status of a publication subscription and its article subscriptions or to check the status of an article subscription.
check subscription returns a status (such as VALID, MATERIALIZING, or ACTIVE) along with a descriptive message. See “check subscription” in Chapter 3, “Replication Server Commands,” in the Replication Server Reference Manual for syntax and usage guidelines and a list of status messages.
This example displays the subscription status of the publication subscription pubs2_sub.
check subscription pubs2_sub for publication pubs2_pub with primary at TOKYO_DS.pubs2 with replicate at SYDNEY_DS.pubs2
If the publication subscription is valid, Replication Server also checks whether the subscription is current. When you alter a publication after the subscription is created, the publication subscription is out of sync with the publication. To create subscriptions for new articles and make the subscription current, refresh the subscription using create subscription or define subscription.
This example displays the subscription status of the article pubs2_art in the subscription pubs2_sub.
check subscription sub for article pubs2_art in pubs2_pub with primary at TOKYO_DS.pubs2 with replicate at SYDNEY_DS.pubs2List Publication and Article Subscription Information
To display information about a publication subscription and article subscriptions, use the rs_helppubsub stored procedure at either the primary or replicate Replication Server’s RSSD.
Here are some examples of using rs_helppubsub:
To list all publication subscriptions at a site, enter:
For each publication subscription known to the site, the display includes the names of the subscription and its associated publication, the names of the primary and replicate databases and data servers, status information, and the date of the latest change to the publication subscription.
To display information about a particular publication subscription, enter:
rs_helppubsub subscription_name
The output displays the information described in the above example for all publication subscriptions named subscription_name.
To display information about a particular publication subscription and its article subscriptions, enter:
rs_helppub subscription_name, publication_name, primary_dataserver, primary_db, replicate_dataserver, replicate_db
The output displays the information described in the above examples for all publication subscriptions named subscription_name. For each article subscription, the output displays subscription and article name, status information for the primary and replicate Replication Servers, replication definition name, autocorrection status, and the date of the latest change to the article subscription.
See the Replication Server Reference Manual for complete syntax and usage guidelines and sample output.