Sets the status of a publication to VALID, allowing new subscriptions to be created for the publication.
validate publication pub_name with primary at data_server.database
The name of the publication to be validated.
Specifies the location of the primary data. If the primary database is part of a warm standby application, data_server.database is the name of the logical data server and database.
Validates the publication pubs2_pub:
validate publication pubs2_pub with primary at TOKYO_DS.pubs2
When all of the articles have been created for a publication, you must validate the publication using validate publication before a replicate site can subscribe to it. Validating a publication verifies that the publication contains at least one article and marks the publication ready for subscription.
Execute validate publication at the Replication Server where you created the publication using create publication.
To check the status of a publication, use check publication. This command displays the number of articles the publication contains and indicates if the publication is valid.
See the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 and Volume 2 for more information about subscription materialization.
validate publication requires “create object” permission.
check publication, check subscription, create publication, create subscription, define subscription, drop publication