create publication


Creates a publication for tables or stored procedures that are to be replicated as a group to one or more subscribing replicate databases.


create publication pub_name
	with primary at data_server.database



A name for the publication. It must conform to the rules for identifiers and be unique for the specified primary data server and database.

with primary at data_server.database

Specifies the location of the primary data. If the primary database is part of a warm standby application, data_server.database is the name of the logical data server and database.


Example 1

Creates a publication called pubs2_pub that you can use to replicate data for multiple tables and stored procedures in the pubs2 database.

create publication pubs2_pub
 with primary at TOKYO_DS.pubs2


Requirements for using create publication

Preparing publications for subscription

Subscribing to publications

Articles for table replication definitions

Articles for function replication definitions

Articles for both table and function replication definitions

Refreshing publication subscriptions

Dropping subscriptions, articles, and publications

Publications in warm standby applications


create publication requires “create object” permission.

See also

check publication, create article, create function replication definition, create replication definition, create subscription, define subscription, drop article, drop publication, drop subscription, validate publication.