Adds parameters to a user-defined function.
alter function table_rep_def.function_name add parameters @param_name datatype [, @param_name datatype]...
The name of the replication definition upon which the user-defined function operates.
The name of the user-defined function to be altered.
The name of a parameter to be added to the user-defined function’s parameter list. The parameter name must conform to the rules for identifiers and must be preceded by an @ sign.
The datatype of the parameter. See “Datatypes” for a list of the datatypes and their syntax. The parameter cannot be text, unitext, raw object, or image.
alter function publishers_rep.upd_publishers add parameters @state char(2)
Adds an integer parameter named state to the upd_publishers function for the publishers_rep replication definition.
Before executing alter function, quiesce the replication system. You can use Replication Server Manager or the procedure described in the Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide to quiesce the system.
A user-defined function can have up to 255 parameters.
Altering functions during updates can cause unpredictable results. The affected data should be quiescent before you alter the function.
After altering a user-defined function, you may also have to alter function strings that use the new parameters.
When you alter a user-defined function for a replication definition, it is altered for all replication definitions of the primary table.
Do not use alter function for replicated functions. Use alter function rep def instead. alter function is used only for the asynchronous stored procedures described in Chapter 6, “Adaptive Server Stored Procedures.”
alter function requires “create object” permission.
admin quiesce_check, alter function string, create function, create function string, drop function, drop function string