Changes an existing database replication definition.
alter database replication definition db_repdef with primary at srv.db { [ not ] replicate DDL | [ not ] replicate setname setcont } [ with dsi_suspended ]
setname ::= { tables | functions | transactions | system procedures }
setcont ::= [ in ( [ owner1. ] name1 [, [ owner2. ] name2 [, ...] ])
Name of the database replication definition.
Name of the primary server/database combination. For example: TOKYO.dbase.
Tells Replication Server whether or not to send DDL to subscribing databases. If “replicate DDL” is not included, or the clause includes “not,” DDL is not sent to the replicate database.
Tells Replication Server whether or not to send objects in the setname category to the replicate database.
If setcont is omitted, Replication Server replicates all (or not replicate any if not is included) objects in the same setname category.
An owner of a table or a user who executes a transaction. Replication Server does not process owner information for functions or system procedures.
You can replace owner with a space surrounded by single quotes or with an asterisk.
A space (‘ ‘) – indicates no owner.
An asterisk (*) – indicates all owners. Thus, for example, *.publisher means all tables named publisher, regardless of owner.
The name of a table, function, transaction, or system procedure.
You can replace name with a space surrounded by single quotes or with an asterisk.
A space (‘ ‘) – indicates no name. For example, maintuser.’ ‘ means all unnamed maintenance user transactions.
An asterisk (*) – indicates all names. Thus, for example, robert.* means all tables (or transactions) owned by robert.
Tells the replicate Replication Server to suspend the replicate DSI. Can be used to signal need to resynchronize databases.
Changes the database replication definition rep_1C to filter out table2. The replicate DSI will be suspended:
alter database replication definition rep_1C with primary at PDS.pdb not replicate tables in (table2) with dsi_suspended
When alter database replication definition is executed, Replication Server writes an rs_marker to the inbound queue. alter database replication definition does not take affect until the marker reaches the DIST, which gives the DIST time to incorporate the changes in the Database Subscription Resolution Engine (DSRE).
Altering a database replication definition may desynchronize the primary and replication databases. See the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 for instructions for resynchronizing databases.
create database replication definition, drop database replication definition