A simple business process

An Unwired Orchestrator Service interaction identifies the XML message from the appropriate RepConnector message queue using a rule that determines if the record is an insert, update, or delete from the appropriate table.

For example, based on the XML message sent from the RepConnector, an insert message can be mapped and reformatted to a purchase order message which can then be sent along to another queue or process.

In Figure 9-2, an orchestration design with integratedRepConnector shows the flow of Unwired Orchestrator, which picks up the message delivered to the input queue by RepConnector, evaluates the message with a single rule, maps and transforms the input message to a different output message, and places the transformed message into another queue for further processing. shows the flow of Unwired Orchestrator, which picks up the message delivered to the input queue by RepConnector, evaluates the message with a single rule, maps and transforms the input message to a different output message, and places the transformed message into another queue for further processing.

Figure 9-2: Orchestration design with RepConnector integrated

To create a simple business process:

  1. Using the procedures in Chapter 6, “Configuring RepConnector,” configure a RepConnector connection to place an XML message onto an EAServer JMS queue.

  2. In Unwired Orchestrator, create a new project (accept all defaults).

  3. In the new project, create a New Business Process.

  4. Import RepConnector schema, dbeventstream.xsd, from <ApplicationServer>\repra\dtds.

  5. Import another schema or DTD; for example, PurchaseOrder.xsd.

  6. Using the Endpoint Manager, add a JMS Session and JMS Transports as endpoints.

  7. Create a new messaging service by adding a notification (receive) operation and the RepConnector schema (dbeventstream.xsd) to the service. This creates a wsdl and an iface file in the Services folder.To

    1. open the iface file, use the Service Interaction Editor and extract the schema from the wsdl.

    2. Open the wsdl file with the Service Editor to add a port and associate a messaging queue with that port.

  8. Create a map, adding the dbevenstream.xsd as the input schema and the PurchaseOrder.xsd as the target schema.

    See Figure 9-3 for more information about mapping the RepConnector schema.

  9. Create another new messaging service by adding a one-way (send) operation and the PurchaseOrder schema (purchaseorder.xsd) to the service. This creates another wsdl and an iface file in Services folder.

    1. Open the .iface file (use the Service Interaction Editor) and extract the schema from the wsdl.

    2. Open the wsdl file with the Service Editor to add a port and to associate a messaging queue with that port.

  10. Complete your business process design by adding a rule and end nodes.