Chapter 6: Configuring RepConnector

This chapter discusses how to configure the RepConnector environment and how to create a RepConnector connection.

In this chapter, you will use RepConnector Manager to create and configure RepConnector connections. See the Eclipse online help for more information about Eclipse.

This section assumes you have already started RepConnector Manager, created a connection profile, and connected to a RepConnector runtime instance.

You can create a RepConnector connection to listen for events from a database and then route those events to a messaging system, or to listen for events from a messaging system and then route the events to a database.

Inbound and outbound types

To configure a RepConnector connection to listen for events from a database and then route the events to a messaging system, select REPLICATION as the inbound type and one of the messaging system (JMS, TIBCO, IBMMQ) as the outbound type. The inbound type is the source from which RepConnector is listening for. The outbound type is the destination to which the RepConnector connection routes the data.

To configure a RepConnector connection to listen for events from a database and then route the events to a user-defined sender processor (for example, to a file), select REPLICATION as the inbound type and CUSTOM as the outbound type.

To configure a RepConnector connection to listen for events from a messaging system and then route the events to a database, select one of the messaging system (JMS, TIBCO, IBMMQ) as the inbound type and select DATABASE as the outbound type.