Managing connection profiles

A RepConnector profile contains the connection property information needed to connect to the RepConnector runtime instance. It manages all the configured RepConnector connections defined for the installed RepConnector instance running on an application server. You can configure as many RepConnector profiles as necessary to manage the local or remote RepConnector installations from one RepConnector Manager installation.

When you install RepConnector Manager, the installation provides two sample default profiles you can use to connect to your RepConnector runtime:

StepsCreating a new profile

  1. Right-click the Sybase RepConnector folder and select New Connection Profile to create a new RepConnector runtime profile.

  2. When the New RepConnector Profile dialog box displays, enter:

    NoteSee “Setting up the RepConnector runtime administrator login” for more information about changing the default user name and password.

  3. Select OK to create a new profile, or Cancel to cancel the action.

    For example, enter:

    Profile Name: EAServer:8080
    Host: myhost
    Port: 8080
    User: rcuser1

StepsRenaming a profile

To rename a profile name:

  1. Right-click the profile to rename, and select Rename Profile.

  2. The Profile dialog box displays. Enter a new profile name that is unique within the same RepConnector Manager instance.

  3. Select OK to rename the profile with a new name, or Cancel to cancel the action.

StepsEditing the profile properties

To modify the connection properties of a profile:

  1. Right-click the profile to modify, and select Edit Profile Properties.

  2. The RepConnector Profile Properties dialog box displays. Modify the fields as needed.

  3. Select OK to save the new properties, or Cancel to cancel the operation.

StepsDeleting a profile

NoteThis procedure deletes a profile from the RepConnector Manager tree view only. It does not make changes to the runtime configuration.

To delete a profile:

  1. Right-click the profile to delete and select Delete Profile.

  2. Select OK to delete the profile from the tree view, or Cancel to cancel the action.

StepsSetting up the RepConnector runtime administrator login

Each RepConnector instance has one administrator login. The default administrator login is “repraadmin” with no password. Sybase recommends that you change the administrator login and password and secure access to the RepConnector runtime.

To modify the login:

  1. Navigate to the RepConnector runtime installation location’s bin directory.

  2. Invoke the script (on UNIX) or the setlogin.bat batch file (on Windows) to change the user name and password.

StepsLogging in to the RepConnector runtime

When the profile you have created has all of the required properties and the RepConnector runtime is running on the application server, you can log in to the RepConnector runtime control to configure and manage the connections.

  1. Right-click the login profile, then select Login.

  2. Expand the profile folder to view the list of configured RepConnector connections. By default, RepConnector runtime installation installs a ‘sample_repconnector’ RepConnector connection.

    A pop-up box appears, displaying all the RepConnector properties and an empty password field. Enter your password and select Login.

    If you have successfully logged in, you can see the connections configured with the RepConnector runtime.

StepsRefreshing the profile

You can refresh the tree view under the profile folder any time that it is connected to the RepConnector runtime. After you refresh the profile, the profile tree view shows the current status of the runtime.

To refresh the profile:

  1. Right-click the profile.

  2. Select Refresh View from the profile folder.

StepsLogging out of the profile and the RepConnector runtime

When you log out of the RepConnector profile, you disconnect from the RepConnector runtime, and the tree view of the profile folder collapses to a single folder object. You can log out of the RepConnector runtime from the profile only if the profile is connected to the runtime.

  1. Right-click the connection profile to log out of.

  2. Select Logout.

  3. Select OK to log out of the profile from the runtime, or select Cancel to cancel the action.