Starting RepConnector Manager

Start RepConnector Manager by running the batch or script file that starts Eclipse, then starts the RepConnector Manager view within Eclipse.

StepsStarting Eclipse and RepConnector Manager

  1. At the operating system prompt, navigate to the RepConnector Manager installation directory.

    For example, on UNIX, enter:

     cd /opt/sybase/EAServer/repra/eclipse

    On Windows, enter:

    cd C:\sybase\EAServer\repra\eclipse
  2. Run the UNIX script file, or the Windows batch file RepConnectorManager.bat.

    For example, on UNIX, enter:

    On Windows, enter:


    When you invoke RepConnector Manager, the Eclipse workbench opens and displays the Sybase RepConnector Manager Welcome page.

  3. Workspace Launcher displays.


StepsStarting the Sybase RepConnector Manager and Properties views

  1. If the RepConnector Manager Welcome window does not display, select Help | Welcome.

  2. To add the view RepConnector Manager to your workbench, select the RepConnector Manager icon.

  3. If you do not see the view RepConnector Manager, select Window/Show View/Other/Sybase/RepConnector Manager.

StepsTesting and deploying RepConnector Manager to Unwired Orchestrator

If the Welcome Page is not visible, got to Help | Welcome | Unwired Orchestrator.

  1. From the Unwired Orchestrator Welcome Page, select Database Event Management. The Replication Roadmap appears.

  2. Follow the instructions in the Replication Roadmap to display the Sybase RepConnector Manager view.

StepsDisplaying the Sybase RepConnector Manager view from the Eclipse menu bar

  1. From the Eclipse menu bar, select Windows | Show View | Other.

  2. In the Show View dialog box, find Sybase/RepConnector Manager.

  3. Select Sybase RepConnector Manager.

    The Sybase RepConnector Manager view displays.

  4. Resize or relocate the RepConnector tree view within the Eclipse Workbench, if needed.