Using online Help

DataWindow Designer has online Help that provides both reference and task-oriented information. Context-sensitive and reference information is provided in Windows Help format. Task-oriented information is provided in compiled HTML Help (CHM) format.

How to access Help

You can get Help in any of the ways listed in Table 1-2.

Table 1-2: Accessing Help


What it does

From the Windows Start menu, select Program Files>Sybase>DataWindow Designer 2.5>Help Files

Opens the Windows Help.

From the Windows Start menu, select Program Files>Sybase>DataWindow Designer 2.5>Compiled HTML Help File

Opens the compiled HTML Help.

In a wizard, click the Help button [?] in the upper right corner of the window

The pointer displays with a question mark so that you can get context-sensitive Help. Point and click in a field you need Help on.

In a wizard, press F1

Context-sensitive Help for the current field displays.

Click the Help button in a dialog box

Displays information about that dialog box.

Click the Online Books button on the Help window

Open the compiled HTML books.

Sybooks CD and Web site

DataWindow .NET books are also provided on the Sybooks CD and the Sybase Product Manuals Web site. For more information, see “Other sources of information”.