

Indicate that the component cannot complete its work for the current transaction. The component instance will be deactivated when the method returns.


void JagRollbackWork();


JagRollbackWork specifies that the component cannot complete its work for the current transaction. The transaction will be rolled back when the initiating component is deactivated.

Calling JagRollbackWork does not automatically cause the current method invocation to fail. Appendix C, “Creating C Components,” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide describes how to code graceful method failures.

If a component is not transactional, then JagRollbackWork and JagRollbackWork have the same effect: both cause the component instance to deactivate after the currently executing method returns.

If a method calls none of JagCompleteWork, JagContinueWork, JagDisallowCommit, or JagRollbackWork, the default behavior is that of JagContinueWork.

See also

JagCompleteWork, JagContinueWork, JagDisallowCommit, JagInTransaction, JagIsRollbackOnly

Chapter 2, “Understanding Transactions and Component Lifecycles,” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide