Dynamic link libraries (DLLs)

At runtime, Windows Open Client and Open Server library applications must be able to call functions in the Open Client DLLs. Make sure that the Sybase DLLs are in your path. The PATH environment variable must contain the %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_OCS%\dll directory. Table 1-5 lists the DLLs that are supplied with Open Client and Open Server libraries:

Table 1-5: Open Client and Open Server DLLs

DB-Library DLLs

Client-Library DLLs

Server-Library DLLs

libsybdb.dll - DB-Library

libsybintl.dll - Localization support library

libsybtcl.dll - Transport control layer

libsybcomn.dll - Internal common library

libsybunic.dll - Unicode-Library

libsybct.dll - Client-Library

libsybcs.dll - CS-Library

libsybintl.dll - Localization support library

libsybtcl.dll - Transport control layer

libsybcomn.dll - Internal common library

libsybblk.dll – Bulk-Library

libsybunic.dll - Unicode-Library

libsybct.dll - Client-Library

libsybcs.dll - CS-Library

libsybintl.dll - Localization support library

libsybtcl.dll - Transport control layer

libsybcomn.dll - Internal common library

libsybsrv.dll – Server-Library

libsybblk.dll – Bulk-Library

libsybunic.dll - Unicode-Library