Types of cursor commands

Table 2-11 summarizes the types of cursor commands a client can issue:

Table 2-11: Summary of cursor commands

Type of command

What it does


Associates a cursor name with the body of the cursor.


Executes the body of the cursor, generates a cursor result set.


Reports the status of the cursor, or sets the cursor row fetch count.


Fetches rows from the cursor result set.

Update or Delete

Updates or deletes the contents of the current cursor row.


Makes the cursor result set unavailable. Reopening a cursor regenerates the cursor result set.


Renders the cursor nonexistent. A cursor that has been deallocated cannot be reopened.

A typical client application issues cursor commands in the order in which they are listed in Table 2-11, but the order can vary. For example, a client might fetch against a cursor, close the cursor, then reopen and fetch rows from it again.