

Bind a program variable to a database column.


CS_RETCODE blk_bind(blkdesc, colnum, datafmt, buffer,
                datalen, indicator)
 CS_BLKDESC     *blkdesc;
 CS_INT                colnum;
 CS_DATAFMT     *datafmt;
 CS_VOID             *buffer;
 CS_INT                *datalen;
 CS_SMALLINT     *indicator;



A pointer to the CS_BLKDESC that is serving as a control block for the bulk-copy operation. blk_alloc allocates a CS_BLKDESC structure.


The number of the column to bind to the program variable. The first column in a table is column number 1, the second is number 2, and so forth. Only visible columns are counted.

NoteSetting the ct_options parameter to CS_OPT_HIDE_VCC or CS_OPT_SHOW_FI influences which columns are visible.

If CS_OPT_HIDE_VCC is set to CS_TRUE, Virtual Computed Columns (VCC) are not visible and not represented by column numbers in blk_bind. Similarly, if CS_OPT_SHOW_FI remains as CS_FALSE, Functional Indexes (FI) are not visible and also not represented by column numbers in blk_bind.

See the Open Client Client-Library/C Reference Manual.


A pointer to the CS_DATAFMT structure that describes the program variable to bind to the column.

Table 4-1 lists the fields in *datafmt that are used by blk_bind and contains general information about the fields. blk_bind ignores fields that it does not use:

Table 4-1: Fields in the CS_DATAFMT structure for blk_bind

Field name

When used

Sets the field to


Not used.

Not applicable.


Not used.

Not applicable.



A type constant (CS_xxx_TYPE) representing the datatype of the program variable.

All type constants listed on the “Types” topics page in the Open Client Client-Library/C Reference Manual are valid.

Open Client user-defined types are not valid.

blk_bind supports a wide range of type conversions, so datatype can be different from the column’s type. For instance, by specifying a variable type of CS_FLOAT_TYPE, a money column can be bound to a CS_FLOAT program variable. blk_rowxfer_mult or blk_rowxfer perform appropriate conversions when transferring data. For a list of the data conversions provided by Client-Library, see cs_convert in Chapter 2, “CS-Library Routines.”

If datatype is CS_BOUNDARY_TYPE or CS_SENSITIVITY_TYPE, the *buffer program variable must be of type CS_CHAR.


When binding to character or binary-type destination variables during copy-out operations; otherwise, CS_FMT_UNUSED.

A bit-mask of the following destination types and related symbols:

  • For character and text destination types:

    • CS_FMT_NULLTERM to null-terminate data.

    • CS_FMT_PADBLANK to pad to full variable length with spaces.

  • For character, binary, text, and image destination types:

    • CS_FMT_PADNULL to pad to full variable length with nulls.

  • For any destination type:

    • CS_FMT_UNUSED if no format information is provided.

  • When using array binding, the only format flag for bulk-copy-in operations is CS_BLK_ARRAY_MAXLEN. See “Array binding”.


When binding to a variable length datatype.

When binding to a fixed-length datatype, maxlength is ignored.

The maximum length of the *buffer program variable.

When binding character or binary variables, maxlength must describe the total maximum length of the program variable, including any space required for special terminating bytes, such as a null terminator.

During a bulk-copy-in operation, maxlength specifies the maximum length of the data that will be copied from the *buffer program variable.

During a bulk-copy-out operation, maxlength is the length of the *buffer program variable.


Only when binding to numeric or decimal variables.

The scale of the program variable.

If the source data is the same type as the destination, then scale can be set to CS_SRC_VALUE to indicate that the destination should pick up its value for scale from the source data.

scale must be less than or equal to precision.


Only when binding numeric or decimal destinations.

The precision of the program variable.

If the source data is the same type as the destination, then precision can be set to CS_SRC_VALUE to indicate that the destination should pick up its value for precision from the source data.

precision must be greater than or equal to scale.


Not used.

Not applicable.



count is the number of rows to transfer per blk_rowxfer_mult or blk_rowxfer call. If count is greater than 1, array binding is considered to be in effect.

During a bulk-copy-out operation, if count is larger than the number of available rows, only the available rows are copied.

count must have the same value for all columns being transferred, with one exception: An application can intermix counts of 0 and 1. This is because when count is 0, 1 row is transferred.


Not used.

Not applicable.


If supplied, locale is used. Otherwise, default localization applies.

A pointer to a CS_LOCALE structure containing locale information for the *buffer program variable.


The address of the program variable to be bound to the column specified by colnum.

For a bulk-copy-in operations, *buffer is the program variable from which blk_rowxfer_mult copies the data.

For bulk-copy-out operations, buffer* is the program variable in which blk_rowxfer_mult places the copied data. If datafmt−>maxlength indicates that *buffer is not large enough to hold the copied data, blk_rowxfer_mult truncates the data at row transfer time. If this occurs, Bulk-Library sets *indicator to the actual length of the available data.

A NULL buffer indicates that data for the column will be transferred using the blk_textxfer routine.


A pointer to the length, in bytes, of the *buffer data.

For bulk-copy-in operations:

For bulk-copy-out operations:


A pointer to a CS_INT variable, or for array binding, an array of CS_INT. At row-transfer time, blk_rowxfer_mult or blk_rowxfer read the indicator’s contents to determine certain conditions about the bulk-copy data.


blk_bind returns:




The routine completed successfully.


The routine failed.

blk_bind returns CS_FAIL if the application has not called blk_init to initialize the bulk-copy operation.


Example 1

 ** BulkCopyIn()
 ** BLKDATA and DATA_END are defined in the bulk copy
 ** example program.

 CS_CONNECTION   *connection;
      CS_BLKDESC    *blkdesc;
      CS_DATAFMT    datafmt;    /* variable descriptions */
      Blk_Data      *dptr;      /* data for transfer */
      CS_INT        datalen[5]; /* variable data length */
      CS_INT        len;
      CS_INT        numrows;
    ** Ready to start the bulk copy in now that all the
    ** connections have been made and have a table name.
    ** Start by getting the bulk descriptor initializing.
    ...CODE DELETED.....
    ** Bind the variables to the columns and
    ** transfer the data.
    datafmt.locale = 0;
    datafmt.count = 1;
    dptr = BLKDATA;
    while (dptr->pub_id != DATA_END)
         datafmt.datatype = CS_INT_TYPE;
         datafmt.maxlength = sizeof(CS_INT);
         datalen[0] = CS_UNUSED;
        if (blk_bind(blkdesc, 1, &datafmt, &dptr->pub_id, 

             &datalen[0], NULL) != CS_SUCCEED)
             ex_error("BulkCopyIn: blk_bind(1) failed");
             return CS_FAIL;
         datafmt.datatype = CS_CHAR_TYPE;
         datafmt.maxlength = MAX_PUBNAME - 1;
         datalen[1] = strlen(dptr->pub_name);
         if (blk_bind(blkdesc, 2, &datafmt, dptr->pub_name,
              &datalen[1], NULL) != CS_SUCCEED)
             ex_error("BulkCopyIn: blk_bind(2) failed");
             return CS_FAIL;
         datafmt.maxlength = MAX_PUBCITY - 1;
         datalen[2] = strlen(dptr->pub_city);
         if (blk_bind(blkdesc, 3, &datafmt, dptr->pub_city,
           &datalen[2], NULL) != CS_SUCCEED)
             ex_error("BulkCopyIn: blk_bind(3) failed");
             return CS_FAIL;
         datafmt.maxlength = MAX_PUBST - 1;
         datalen[3] = strlen(dptr->pub_st);
         if (blk_bind(blkdesc, 4, &datafmt, dptr->pub_st,
              &datalen[3], NULL) != CS_SUCCEED)
             ex_error("BulkCopyIn: blk_bind(4) failed");
             return CS_FAIL;
         datafmt.maxlength = MAX_BIO - 1;
         datalen[4] = strlen((char *)dptr->pub_bio);
         if (blk_bind(blkdesc, 5, &datafmt, dptr->pub_bio,
              &datalen[4], NULL) != CS_SUCCEED)
            ex_error("BulkCopyIn: blk_bind(5) failed");
            return CS_FAIL;
        if (blk_rowxfer (blkdesc) == CS_FAIL)
            ex_error("BulkCopyIn: blk_rowxfer() failed");
            return CS_FAIL;
    /* Mark the operation complete and then clean up */
    ...CODE DELETED.....
    return CS_SUCCEED;


blk_bind for bulk-copy-in operations

Table 4-2 summarizes blk_bind usage when used for bulk-copy-in operations. For information on datafmt fields, see Table 4-1.

Table 4-2: blk_bind parameter values for bulk copy in

When calling blk_bind to

buffer is

datalen is

*indicator is

Bind to a scalar or array variable from which blk_rowxfer_mult will read column values

The address of a program variable or array

A pointer to a variable or array that indicates the length of the values to be read from *buffer.

  • If *datalen is greater than 0, *datalen values are read from *buffer and sent as the column value.

  • When *datalen is 0, the value of *indicator is used to determine whether the column’s default value (if any) or NULL should be inserted.

The address of a variable or array that supplies indicator values for the column.

*indicator is only considered when *datalen is 0:

  • If *indicator is 0, the column’s default value (if available) is inserted. If no default value is available, a NULL is inserted.

  • If *indicator is -1, NULL is always inserted.

Indicate that a column value will be transferred using blk_textxfer


The total length of the data that will be sent using blk_textxfer.

In this case, datafmt−>maxlength is ignored.


When a Bulk-Library application calls blk_bind in a bulk-copy-in operation the buffer, datalen, and indicator pointers passed to blk_bind are recorded. The data at those locations must remain valid until it is read during the call to blk_rowxfer or blk_rowxfer_mult.

blk_bind for Bulk-Copy-Out operations

Table 4-3 summarizes blk_bind usage when used for bulk-copy-out operations. For information on datafmt fields, see Table 4-1.

Table 4-3: blk_bind parameter values for bulk copy out

When calling blk_bind to

buffer is

*datalen is

*indicator is

Bind to a scalar or array variable into which blk_rowxfer_mult will write column values

The address of a program variable or array

A pointer to a variable or to a CS_INT variable for an array, where blk_rowxfer_mult places the length of the values written to *buffer.

The address of a variable or array that supplies indicator values for the column.

blk_rowxfer_mult sets *indicator as follows:

  • -1 indicates the data is null.

  • 0 indicates good data.

  • A value greater than 0 indicates truncation occurred. The value is the actual length of the available data.

Indicate that a column value will be transferred using blk_textxfer



In this case, datafmt−>maxlength represents the length of the *buffer data space.


Specifying Null values for Bulk Copy into the database

Clearing bindings

Array binding

See also

blk_describe, blk_default, blk_init