Corporate rollup

In this model, multiple primary fragments maintained at remote sites are consolidated into a single aggregate replicate table at a central site.

The corporate rollup model has distributed primary fragments and a single, centralized consolidated replicate table. The table at each primary site contains only the data that is primary at that site. No data is replicated to these sites. The corporate rollup table is a “rollup” of the data at the primary sites.

The corporate rollup model requires distinct replication definitions at each of the primary sites. The site where the data is consolidated has a subscription for the replication definition at each primary site.

Replication Agents are required at the primary sites but not at the central site, since data will not be replicated from that site.

These tasks must be performed to create a corporate rollup from distributed primary fragments:

Figure 3-5 illustrates the flow of data for a corporate rollup application model.

Figure 3-5: Corporate rollup model with distributed primary fragments

Figure 3-5 shows an example of the corporate rollup model with distributed primary fragments. The headquarters site consolidates data changes from each of the three remote sites.

Figure 3-6 illustrates a salesdetail table with a corporate rollup at a headquarters site. The headquarters site receives data from the remote sites via three subscriptions.

Figure 3-6: Table with multiple primary fragments

Figure 3-6 illustrates a sales detail table with a corporate rollup at a headquarters site. The headquarters site receives data from the remote sites via three subscriptions, one from each remote site.