Processing in the primary Replication Server

This section describes how a transaction that originates in a primary data server is sent to the primary Replication Server and subsequently distributed to a replicate Replication Server as illustrated in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1: Threads used for processing in the primary Replication Server

Figure 4-1 illustrates how a transaction that originates in a primary data server is sent to the primary Replication Server and subsequently distributed to a replicate Replication Server. From the primary data server, the transaction goes to the Replication Server. The Rep Agent user sends the transaction to S Q M; this transaction is stored in the inbound stable queue and then passes to S Q T. From S Q T it goes to D I S T with command filters, S R E, T D, and M D. From D I S T, the transactions are stored in the outbound stable queue and then distributed to two replicate Replication Server using the R S I and D S I dash S.